Chapter 23

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Sarah's POV:
I sit on the beach, digging my fingers into the sand. The waves come crashing up to my sneakers and then roll back into the ocean. They roll up, then roll down. Up and down. I close my eyes and take in the ocean. The smell. The sound. Everything. I sigh, opening my eyes again. Someone taps my back and I turn around to see Matt.
"Hey." He smiles. He sits next to me and presses his hand on mine. He looks out to the ocean and then back at me.
"Your eyes are so pretty." He says. I smile and look down.
"Thank you." I say. I reach into my sweatshirt pocket and pull out a paper note. What is this? I never remember putting a piece of paper in my pocket.
"What's that?" He asks, looking at the envelope. I shrug. I carefully open it up and unfold the paper.
"It's a letter." I sit criss cross on the sand. I scan the letter over.
"From Gabe." I smile. I haven't seen him in a while. I read over the note and he basically just tells me how he loves me, and how he doesn't want me self harming anymore yada yada yada. They all say that.
"Woah. Look at the date." I look at the bottom of the paper and see the date.
"2015?" Why haven't I ever seen this before? It's 2021. What the hell?
"That's weird. He must of slipped it in your pocket or something." I nod and fold back up the letter. I place it under my thigh so it won't fly away in the salty air. Matt leans into me and he places his lips on mine. Our lips move in sink, and I wrap my arms around his neck. He bites my lip and pulls away.
"God, I'm so lucky to have you." He mumbles. He moves down to my neck and moves to my sweet spot.
"Matt..." I say. He lifts his head up from my neck and then kisses me one last time. He looks at me and smiles.
"What?" I laugh. He looks down and his cheeks turn red.
"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Ever. And I wouldn't want to be with any one else. No one. And even though you weren't my first girlfriend, and I didn't lose my virginity to you..."
"Matt what are you saying?" I smile.
"You are the one I want to live my life with. Grow old with. You are the one, Sarah Erickson."

my boyfriend matthew espinosa//sequel to my bully matthew espinosaWhere stories live. Discover now