Chapter 31. Official! Or well... Kinda

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~Naruko's POV~

I opened my eyes slowly. It was dark outside, and I could see the stars... It really reminded me of someone...

I looked around. We were still where the fight had taken place, and Snake-omaru and Kabato had gotten away. Yes I just said Kabato.

"Naruko!!" Sasuke shouted as he attacked me with a hug.

I got a bit surprised at first, but smiled and hugged him back. "Sasuke! Let me hug her to!" I heard Naruto said as I looked at him and giggled.

"Wait for your turn you dumbass." Sasuke answered simply.


"Yeah and she's my girlfrien-" Sasuke stopped as his eyes widened and released the hug, backing away from me quickly.

"She's... she's your what...?" Naruto said and looked down on the ground.

"U-uh, she's my girl friend." Sasuke laughed nervously, "You know... My friend, but a girl." He looked away, trying to avoid eye contact.

"OOOOOH! How stupid of me to think you meant that she's your girlfriend." Naruto laughed.

"Ouuuuh, so she's your girlfriendddd huhhh~?" Jiraiya said with a funny face, holding his hand infront of his mouth.

"I-I told you! I-it's not like that! S-she's my friend, but my girl- I MEANT *A* GIRL!" Sasuke said, blushing like crazy as I giggled.

"Mhmmmm, are you so sure about that?" Tsunade joined as she laughed.

"Y-yes ofc!" Sasuke said, still blushing.

"Sasuke, I think it's time that we tell them. Isn't it?" I giggled as he looked at me.

"A-are you sure...?" He said as he was nodding in Naruto's direction. Naruto was standing there, smiling with a scary face.

"Yeah." I stood up and walked up to Naruto as I gave him a hug. "O-Nii-channn" I said.

"Mhm..?" I stiffened as I laughed nervously.

"Yeah soooooo um... Me and Sasuke have been together for a while nowwww... And um, I thought it was about time telling you!" I laughed and released the hug as I placed my hands on his shoulders, looking at the still creepily smiling Naruto.

"Oh really?"

"Mhm...!" I smiled back at him nervously.

"Really?" He opened his eyes and looked at Sasuke who still tried to avoid eye contact.

Naruto walked up to Sasuke, looking at the ground as Sasuke stiffened. " You..." Naruto said and looked at him. "YOU BASTARD! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MY PRECIOUS LITTLE TWIN SISTER!? HOW COULD YOU MAKE HER FALL FOR YOU WITHOUT MY PERMISSION?! HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME THAT YOU WERE DATING ALL THIS TIME?! AND YOU NEVER GOT THE PERMISSION TO DATE HER IN THE FIRST PLACE EITHER!!" Naruto grabbed Sasuke's clothes and shook him back and forth as tears were flowing down his funny looking face.

"Naruto calm down!" I ran up to him as I tried to release his grip on Sasuke's clothes.

"Narukoooooo" Naruto turned around and placed his head on my shoulder as he cried on it, still with his funny looking face. "How could you fall for a dumb emo duck butt like himmm??" He cried and pointed at Sasuke.

"Hey! That's rude!" Sasuke shouted as I laughed together with the adults.

"You could have fallen foor Gaaraaa, Or Shikamaruuu, Or Kibaaaa, or even Chojiiii, but you chose SasukeEeEeee" He cried.

"Naruto, you can't choose who you love. And you can't choose who loves you either." I smiled at him as I patted his head, trying to comfort my brother.


We went back to the Village for a couple of days. I tried to be as much as I could with Naruto and Sasuke at the same time, but they wouldn't stop arguing about stuff.

"Stop with all that fighting, or I will be the one who punches both of you in the face...!!" I had said.

"She's so scary..."

"Yeah... Look at her hair flowing in the air like that..."

"Yeah... And her big white eyes..."

"HEY, STOP WITH THAT!" I had shouted as I had hit them both before I walked away from the two idiots on the ground.

Tsunade had became the Fifth Hokage. She had allowed me to take some time off, due to the lack of food I had gotten, together with all the experiments and fights.

But we all know that I don't take it easy on my time off, or even have time off when I'm supposed to have it. Souuuuu hehehe, I took one of the days as an opportunity to take a new picture and be an official part of team 7!

Yeah yeah, I had to admit that Sakura looked a bit irritated with me... AND that Sasuke and Naruto was fighting as usual... Kakashi was looking as normal as me, but the difference with me today was that I didn't have the clothes I used to have. Why? Wellll Snake-omaru and Kabato (Yes I said Kabato just because I can) took them and never gave them back to me-.

Sooouuu, I got some new ones in the meantime from Tsunade. Aka A blue kimono and an orange band that I had around my waist. Yeah yeah, tell me it was inspired from Naruto's and my clothes, *cough* cuz it was *cough*

ANYWAYS! What more can I say about these days...? Oh yeah! Me and Sasuke became a bit more official than usual... BUT we did keep it away from Sakura and all of his fangirls since... Well they would hate me for it-. But after Naruto learned about it, he became ok with it, but still questioned my "choice" of boyfriend...

And Sasuke would actually come home to me and Naruto and eat food with us sometimes. We didn't eat Ramen all the time, but half of the times! Not that Sasuke disliked Ramen, he was actually pretty happy with getting it. Unless Naruto had cooked it, and he wanted to tease him.

Oh well! Everything was good and happy once again until...

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