Chapter 25. Their rage

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~Third person POV~

"Where is Naruko?! Where is my sister?!" You could hear a angry boy yell at those Shinobi's who had watched the fight between Orochimaru, Naruko and Sarutobi from the outside of the barrier.

"I'm really sorry, we tried to stop them from leaving with Naruko, but it was no use..." They said and looked down.

"What the hell do you mean no use? You're Shinobi's! You should be able to handle them!!" He yelled as they took a step back.

"For once I actually agree with Naruto, this is unacceptable!!" The pinkette said as she yelled as well.

"Sakura..." The blonde boy said and looked at her surpised, as a indigo haired boy quickly came up to them together with their sensei.

"What is going on here?" Sasuke asked as Kakashi got beside Sakura.

"Naruko got taken away by Orochimaru, and these Shinobi's didn't stop them!!!" Sakura said as Naruto didn't take his eyes of those infront of him.

"I told you that we tried!!"

"What?! When did this happen?!" Sasuke said, just as angry as the other two.

"When Lord third was fighting against Orochimaru. Naruko was the only one who managed to get to them before the barrier was set up." Another one of them said.

"And after she passed out after losing to much chakra, and after the Hokage died, the sound ninjas took her together with Orochimaru." Another one noted.

"So why didn't you stop them?!"

"Because we couldn't!"

"Bullshit!!" Sasuke said as his eyes where now red, as well as Naruto's.

"Everybody calm down! I'll mention this with the higher ranks, so that she'll be rescued." Kakashi said after being quiet for quite some time.

"No!!" Sasuke said.

"It'll take to much time!!" Sakura noted.

"We'll get her ourselves!!" Naruto yelled as they all ran away towards the gates.

They where stopped by Kakashi, who wouldn't let them go after Naruko.

"Stop you three! You haven't thought about this fully! If you step outside the hidden leaf without permission, you're gonna be a Rouge from there on! And how are you gonna find her?! Orochimaru has such good hidden hideouts that even ANBU raked ninjas haven't been able to find them!" He claimed as Sakura seemed to come to her senses again.

"I think he's right you two, maybe we should let the higher ranks do this." Sakura said and dropped her fighting position as she stood up straight.

"What?! What about 'It's gonna take to much time'?!" Sasuke who had lost his cool said.

"Are you gonna give up?!" Naruto said and looked back at her.

"Sakura, step to the side." Kakashi said as the pinkette did as she was told. "I think we should take this somewhere else where there are less people."

Sasuke and Naruto looked at him before they looked at each other.

"No! Just let us go!" Sasuke said.

"No, I can't do that." Kakashi said and looked at them.

In a flash he had knocked down the blonde and the indigo haired boy. He lifted them up and looked at Sakura.

"You've really changed your mind, right?"

"Y-yes I have." She said and looked at him.

"Good, we'll take them to the training grounds. I'm sure they'll try to run out of the village as soon as they wake up. So I'll have to be there to stop them, at a good place."

~Sasuke's POV~

I sat up straight as I tried to read my surroundings. I saw Kakasi-sensei and Sakura standing a couple of meters away from me, and beside me was Naruto laying unconscious. I cleared my mind, and tried to look back at what happened.

'Naruko... Where's Naruko?!'

I quickly turned around to Naruto to wake him up. "Hey, hey! Wake up! We need to go after Naruko, remember!?" I said but it was no use.

"Why are you worrying so much about her anyways, Sasuke. I've never seen you so worked up over someone." Kakashi said calmly as I just looked at him.

I couldn't spill our secret, we promised not to tell anyone... "She's my teammate And friend, why wouldn't I be worried?!" I yelled at him as I activated my sharingan.

"But would you really react the same way if it was me or Naruto?" Sakura asked and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

I sat there silent for a while. I knew she had a crush on me, like every other fangirl that I have. If she wasn't my teammate, I wouldn't care about her at all. "Ofc I would! You're all my teammates and friends as well!" I yelled and tried to convince them.

Sakura looked down. "I know you would for Naruto, but you wouldn't for me." She smiled as my eyes widened.

"Sakura stop with this... I'm really not in the mood, I'm really stressed and worried about Naruko right now." I said as I started to think about the stuff that Orochimaru could be doing to her by now.

~Naruto's POV~

I woke up by some loud noises, as I opened my eyes.

"What has gotten into you two?! We have to go and rescue Naruko, and here you are talking about me who wouldn't act the same way if it was you?! Stop with this already!" Sasuke stood up with tears running down his cheeks, as his curse mark activated.

My eyes widened as I stood up as I looked down. Sasuke was crying. I had never, ever seen him cry. Not in my entire life. My sister must be really important to him too. But why doesn't the others letting us go?

I felt the anger bubbling inside of me, burning my skin like fire.

"Naruto, Sasuke, you need to calm down." Kakashi said.

My mind was like a storm by now. Thoughts was flying around like crazy, and I didn't seem to focus on anything.

"You don't seem to get it do you...?" I said and smiled. "I just want my sister back.. Is that to much to ask for?" I smiled at him as a tear escapes my eye.

Kakashi looked at me in pity as Sakura was looking pretty uncomfortable. She was looking down on the ground, with her hands behind her back.

"Naruto, Sasuke, please calm down. Let the higher ranks go and find her instead." He said in a worried expression as I really had lost my temper by now.

"It'll take to much time..." Sasuke said and looked at them.

"Let us... go!!!" I said as I launched myself at them.

Kakashi quickly pushed Sakura out of the way, as I hit him in the face. Sasuke was shortly after with his chidori and aimed for his stomach. But as soon as we hit him, it got turned into a price of wood. A submission jutsu.

I quickly turned around to see him in a tree. I quickly got behind him and attacked him once again, only for him to dodging and jumping down on the ground. Sasuke got behind him and hit his back, before I attacked him down to the ground and punched him in the face. For real this time.

Naruto: The lost sister (On Going)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα