Chapter 20. Secret

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~Naruko's POV~

I woke up from my sleep once again, but this time not by the moonlight, but by someone staring at me. I opened my eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable until I saw someone sitting on the window. I got a heart atack, and jumped a little before the person talked.

"Naruko, it's me. Sasuke."


"S-Sasuke, you scared me! And what are you doing here? I'm still mad at you for drenching me with the water and water balloons I prepared. And I thought you were someone else, who was here to kidnap me!" I said, still a bit irritated and with a little bit of panic in my voice from the heart atack.

"Well you're right, I am gonna kidnap you. But you won't regret it." He said

Wait what?

"Huh?" I said before He turned his back towards me.

"Here, climb on to my back." He said as I did as he said.

Just after I had gotten on his back, he jumped of the window and onto the roof tops.

I was normally not afraid of heights, but since I wasn't jumping on my own feet it just felt scarier.

It was to scary for me to handle so I closed my eyes, hoping it would be over soon, while I felt myself being put on the ground shortly after.

"Sasuke where are we?" I asked while looking around. "We're not outside the village, aren't we?"

"Don't worry, we're still in the village, and we're in the forest as you can see. I wanted to show you something that I found yesterday."

"Oh really? Ok then, you're free to show me anything you find." I said and began to feel a bit excited.

He took my hand in his as he led me into the forest. We walked around for a while, before he finally stopped as I looked up from the ground, that I had looked at to see where I was walking.

My jaw dropped. I couldn't describe the beauty of this place. It was just so magic looking and gorgeous that I was in a huge awe. There was flowers and plants all around us, with a lake and a huge tree with some sort of fruits on it, and everything was glowing.

"What is this place?" I asked as I looked around even more.

"It's just a place that I found. I don't really know what it is though..." Sasuke said again and led me towards the big glowing tree.

We laid down on the ground filled with soft grass, as we looked up at the night sky. We stayed silent for a while, but we never let go of each others hands.

"Naruko, I have something I have to tell you." Sasuke said as he broke the silence.

"What is is?" I asked and turned my head to look at him.

"I've been thinking for a while now, arguing with myself if I should tell you or not... But I decided to tell you since you're really important to me." He said and looked at me, as our eyes met.

I felt like my heart would melt by his eyes.

"You know, we've known each other for a couple of months or so, and I didn't know that I could feel like this in such a short time..." He said as he looked at the sky again. "You know, you're quite special to me. And I usually suck at expressing myself and be the one I am, but you really brought me out of my shell and made me do things I weren't capable of. The thing is that... I like you!" He said a little louder, as my eyes got bigger.

"You're the only one that have made me feel like this and every time I'm with you, my heart skippes a beat, I loose my breath, and my legs turns weak. And... I-I think I love you... It's ok if you don't love me back, but I just wanted you to know that I would do anything for you. I will protect you, even if your stronger than me. I will get stronger and make sure that I can protect you no matter what danger you're in. I know Naruto probably will get really pissed off, but I don't care. I love you, and I will never let anyone hurt you. Even if you don't love me back..." He said and looked at me.

"Sasuke..." I said and laughed.

"What? What are you laughing for?!" He said as he didn't know what to do.

"I love you to you idiot. You don't have to worry about me not loving you, cuz I have for a while now... And I will protect you until you get stronger than me, and even then I'll protect you." I said and smiled at him.

"T-then, do you wanna be my g-girlfriend or whatever..." He asked and blushed, as he looked away.

"Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." I said came closer to him, as I gave him a hug, which he returned. Which caused us to lay on the ground and cuddle.

"Let's keep this a secret from the world... Or else they'll get angry." He said as I laughed.

"Yeah I mean Sakura would kill me." I said

"Yep, and Naruto would kill me." He said as we both laughed together.

"You know what?" I asked.

"What?" He asked and looked at me with a gentle smile. "That you're mine now? And that I'll never let anyone else have you?" He asked and gave me a smirk.

"Well yes, but tgat wasn't it! Just close your eyes." I said a and laughed, as he did as I said.

I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek before I pulled away and saw his face red as a tomato with his eyes wide open, as I quickly ran away.

"He-hey! Where are you running away to? Come back here!" He said as he ran after me, as he laughed.

He soon caught me, as he tackled. We both fell onto the ground as he fell on top of me. We stared into eatchothers eyes for a while, until he leaned closer to me. Soon I felt a pair of soft lips on mine.

He kissed me...


A/n: Ok so I just remembered that I forgot that Sasuke got the curse mark by Orochimaru... But I'm gonna make it like Naruko don't know about it and no one mentioned it to her😅

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