Chapter 15. Messy apartment and stolen nightgrown

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I changed a little in the previous chapter, so that Naruko isn't doing the first stage on the exam. She's only doing the second stage, for training. So when the others are at the Academy doing the first stage, she's using her time training.

Naruko's POV:

I woke up before Naruto as usual. You may think: "Why are you up so early when you don't have to attend the first test?" Well the answer is simple. I have to take care of my twin since he can't do it properly by himself *sigh*.
I made us some breakfast, and we talked a little before he had to go.

I was left in the house alone. I didn't really know what to do, until I remembered the training with Sasuke. I could always go to dance class, and collect more dance moves for my new Justus.

The thing is that I've thought a little about them (The Justus). And I don't know if they will be that affective in future battles, since I may have to act quickly instead of standing there... dancing... I don't know, but it sounds weird when I think of it that way. But I hope I'll be able to take them to another level and don't only dance around when I need to use one.

I got dressed and got ready to leave for dance class again. Before I left, I left a note for Naruto saying that I was at dance class, training. I danced and danced to at least 5 dances, and trust me when I say that I danced until it was dark outside. I had danced for 15 hours. But it was worth it. I had actually got some mooves I liked and wrote them down, or more drew them in my notebook.

I got home, and got inside to find a super messy apartment and a Naruto sleeping in his bed with my note in his hand. I sighed at the sight. The quilt was mostly on the ground, exept a little corner that still was on the bed, the pillows were laying at random places across the room, and worst of all, He had took my nightgown... Yes... MY nightgown. Wth? Had he gotten drunk on ramen?

I walked to the kitchen and took a glass of water, walked to Naruto once again and poured it over him.

"Wha- *cough* *cough* Naruko? What the frick?!" He said and sat up, looking at me standing with my arms in an X.

"That's my line, why is the house so messy? Why is the pillows scattered all around? And why are you sleeping in my nightgown?" I said looking at him, wanting a explanation.

"I-... I was just feeling happy." He said.

"Why?" I asked

"Well I passed the first test."


"What the hell is jsdjiwwkwjdndjod supposed to mea-" Naruto said while sweatdropping, but was cut off when I took his hands and starting jumping around the house.

I felt so happy for him. He's one step closer to become a Hokage, and I don't think I can be more proud right now.

We jumped around the apartment laughing and made it even more messy than it already was.

But then we had to stop to catch our breaths, and then I saw how messy it was. And I instantly remembered who's the one cleaning up this mess. Me. I sighed, "I guess it's time to clean this then..." I said and made some water clones, who helped me clean. In 5 minutes everything was back to it's place again, and I undid the clone jutsu.

"So, when is the second test?" I asked Naruto who was sitting on his bed and looking at me.

"Tomorrow." He said, still looking at me.

"Ok. Do you want food before going to bed?"

"Yes please." He said in UwU, as I sweatdropped.

"So what do you want for food?

"Ramen!" He said, as I sweatdropped again.

"No, I won't cook ramen for the 4th time this week. If you want ramen you can buy that tomorrow."

"Ok then I just want a sandwich or something." He said grumpily.

I made Naruto his sandwiches and gave him something to drink. I then walked to the shower to take a shower and brushed my teeths before I walked out and changed my clothes into my nightgown, that Naruto had taken off earlier. Me and Naruto had gotten really close by now that we don't mind changing clothes in front of eatchother. I don't mean it like changing right before him, but in the same room. Like who cares? He's my brother.

I walked over to Naruto's bed and got under the blanket and cuddled up next to him. Yes I love cuddling, it's cosy and neither me or Naruto mind sleeping with each other since we both find it cosy. I felt my eyes become heavier and I soon drifted to dream land.

Hello guys!
I'm sorry for not posting in a long time and I'm also sorry for this short chapter. 😓 But tomorrow my summer break starts, so I will release the next chapter tomorrow. I promise! :)

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