Chapter Ten

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The difference between the Copper Bull and an actual speakeasy was evident now that I saw the spacious area filled with men in spiffy clothing and woman in ritzy dresses who glided across the floor. A chandelier hung from the ceiling while smooth mahogany tables seated keen individuals sipped rum and champagne. The band, composed of a drummer, pianist, and saxophone player, entertained the crowd with a catchy tune that made me want to hoof it. The bar was filled with men and women who chose to disregard the prudish Volstead Act to have a good time.

"What's the name of this place?" I asked Tony whose eyes wandered around.


I did not see Anne or Miles yet, but there were so many people that they could be anywhere. Suddenly, Tony paced in front if me and threw out an arm to greet a man with low blue eyes, a long nose, and a suit that had turned into casual wear with rolled sleeves and a loosened tie.

"Mr. Grover, fancy meeting you here." Tony greeted, giving the mark a firm handshake.

"How are you Richard?" Richard? Tony's false name was Richard and he hadn't told me!

"Very well."

"Come join my table and introduce me to this fine Sheba on your arm." Tony chuckled pulling out my chair then taking a seat himself.

He lifted his finger in the air and a waiter came over within seconds. I noticed that the waiter was Miles in disguise. He held a tray of empty glasses at his shoulder.

"We'll have whiskey flat and doll what would you like?" I was so fascinated by Miles' ability to blend that I had not realized I was being spoken to. Tony cleared his throat.

"Doll?" I shot up and looked at Tony.

"Oh, I apologize. I'll have a cocktail Miles. Oh-no-um-I mean-"

"That'll be all." Tony interrupted smoothly. Miles walked away. "So Mr. Grover, I'd like you to meet part of your investment. Miss Betty."

"It's a pleasure." Mr. Grover held his hand out. I placed mine into his with a grin and shook it though he chose to bend down and plant a kiss on it's back. I snatched my hand away.

"So tell me, have you heard from any of the other investors lately?" Tony placed a cigarette between his lips and removed his arm from the back of my chair to light it.

"I haven't." Mr. Grover finished his glass of whiskey and shook his head. "You did inform them of my interests, right?" Tony scoffed removing his cigarette.

"Of course I did. It's just that these crooked men like to keep honest men like us waiting." Drinks were placed in front of us by Miles. I avoided eye contact with him for the sake of my acquaintance to him not being obvious.

"The woman in the green also sent you this sir." He placed a pack of Lucky Strikes in front of the mark then pointed to the bar where Anne sat with her legs crossed and a seductive smirk across her lips.

"Well!" He nodded, blushing. "Tell her I said thank you." A satisfied smirk came over Tony's face but disappeared quickly.

"Where were we? Ah, I'll tell you what. Since your trust in investments is wavering I'll help you out. If you invest in the taxi dancer joint I hope to open soon then you'll not only be my right hand, but I will also put in seventy-five percent of the initial investment price. What do you say?" Tony leaned forward. Mr. Grover was focused on Anne intently.

"Um" he turned back, "I don't know Richard. Investments are risky, I need to trust the person."

Tony cocked an eyebrow and sat back in his seat.
"I'm insulted."

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I can trust you but c'mon it's..." He trailed off as Anne approached the table. He straightened up as much as a man who had finished about three glasses of whiskey could possible do.

"May I join you please?" She asked.

"Afraid not. We're discussing very confidential information." Tony explained. "So if you would excuse us ma'am."

"Confidential? I like secrets." She sat next to the mark. "Plus I got you a present, the least you can do is let me join." She scooted close to Mr. Grover. He smiled nervously and nodded.

"Well if you must know, this fellow and I are speaking of investments. I'm hoping to make him my business partner."

"Well, depending on the amount of money."

"Say, do you like to dance?" Tony asked Anne after taking a drink of his whiskey.

"I love to dance! With a worthwhile partner of course." She wrinkled her nose at Mr. Grover and giggled.

"Then would you be interested in being a taxi dancer at this joint we plan to open?" Mr. Grover wanted to protest but kept quiet because he saw that Anne was now part of the investment he did not want to make. I watched as Anne pretended to consider.

"Well I was in search of a job and as I said, I do love to dance." Tony pinched my leg. I almost slapped him but then realized that he wanted me to say something.

"Oh, miss you must do it!-" I gushed but was lost for words. What was I supposed to say? Tony discreetly shook his head. "Um, Mr. Grover what do you say about another beautiful girl in your club?" I asked with a smile, not as seductive as Anne but appropriate for the moment.

Mr. Grover seemed lost for words as well since we were pushing him to the investment. He clearly wanted to reject but the addition of Anne called for a much harder decision.

"Matthew." Tony said in a low personal tone. "You know that you can trust me." The mark finished off his fourth whiskey, glanced at Anne, then nodded.

"Okay, I'm in."

"Wonderful! Just wonderful."

When all was done and I was being driven home, I felt confident in my performance. I also felt that I had learned so much from watching and listening to the performance in front of me. I was beginning to truly understand the art because Tony had conducted it so effortlessly.

"How did I do?" I asked excitedly.

"You were adequate."

"Adequate? I thought I did amazing."

"Whoa, let's not get ahead of ourselves. You were okay but you naturally will need more practice." I sighed heavily. I wanted to do really well and prove to them that I could do this. I wanted to perform my own con and do a successful job. But I needed to learn more and practice. Then I could impress Miles, Anne, Tony, and most importantly Leo.

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