Chapter Three

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Jean and I sat on a stoop watching the younger children of the neighborhood play stick ball in the street. I bit into an apple that tasted refreshing on this warm spring day.

Jean fussed with the hem of her skirt, clearly not amused by it's drab color, length, and style. She belonged to the world of pizazz.

"So then he takes the watch and says 'it's been a pleasure'. Can you believe him?" I exclaimed explaining the events of my encounter with the mystery pocket watch man.

"See, I told you. What did I tell you? I said one of these days you're going to steal from the wrong person Claire. You're lucky he didn't call the police!" I rolled my eyes since Jean exaggerated every situation. Sure I stole from the wrong person this time, but what were the chances of it happening again.

"Hello ladies." Someone greeted from a distance. We both turned and saw Ruby Stein who had been one of the only Jewish girls to graduate from our high school last year. She seemed to only come around when she wanted to invite Jean to one of the many soirées that her fiancé hosted at Gramercy Park. I was only invited by default since Jean and I were best friends and Ruby always caught us together.

She'd met Arnold Horowitz, her wealthy fiancée, several months ago and insisted on flaunting this fact whenever she got a chance. Such as today with tight pearls dangling from her fair toned neck.

"Good afternoon Ruby, how are you?" I asked giving her the opportunity to brag.

"Quite well." She smiled, "Arny is hosting a small formal gathering this evening at his home. I hope the both of you will be able to attend." She leaned in closer to whisper, "I hear that Duke Ellington will be providing the entertainment so you just have to bring your fancy feet." She tapped her foot to an imaginary tune as I scoffed knowing very well that Duke Ellington would not be attending Arnold's formal.

"Count me in!" Jean clapped her hands together excited since she loved any chance she got to show off her best lindy hop.

"Claire?" Ruby asked cocking a dark brow. I shook my head.

"I can't. I'm working until the evening and then I have to bring groceries to Mrs. McCormick. Thank you for the invitation though." Mrs. McCormick was an old woman who mother worked with at the factory. Ruby nodded not the least bit disappointed that I could not attend.

"Maybe next time Claire. Jean wear your best and I will see you at six o'clock." She gave a short wave then started down the street to hail a taxi. She hadn't yet received the privilege of a personal carriage.

"Have a ball with that witch tonight." I tossed the core of my apple on the pavement.

"Ruby is not a witch." Jean giggled standing up and fluffing out her skirt. In the day time she differed very much from the night time in that her clothing was not a colorful or dazzling work of beauty. Her hair was kept back away from her face, each black strand neatly brushed.

"I have to head home. Maybe tomorrow we can go to our underground world." She winked.

"Maybe." I shrugged. Jean gave me a wave then walked in the same direction that Ruby had headed in.

Later that evening, after I had dropped some groceries to Mrs. McCormick, I decided to walk back home since the sun had not fully set and it would only be a few blocks away. Plus, I loved to walk on the empty streets, children were being called inside after playing in the streets all day, shop owners were closing for the evening, and all the street carts had been rolled away.

It had gotten a bit chilly so I wrapped my shawl tighter around my arms. This time of the evening was ideal for pick pocketing. Actually, during the crowded day time streets were ideal, but at this time as the occasional man or woman passed eager to return home I could get some pocket change or any item carelessly tucked away. But ever since I'd gotten caught the other day I wasn't feeling too confident about my once clever ways. That gold watch could have been worth so much and a few new dresses would have been perfect since Jean wanted to return to the speakeasy tomorrow night.

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