Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Thank you to everyone who continues to read, vote, and comment on this story! A special thank you to @awkwardteenager_xoxo for the continuous enthusiastic feedback! Please like/comment so that I can update more frequently! But more importantly, enjoy :)

As I'd thought before, no one could look as good as Leo in the attire he wore with such confidence. The pale shirt under a double breasted vest that matched the slate blue tone of his trousers, brown shoes, and charming cuff links. Even his slicked blonde hair added to the appeal and I knew that every girl who walked past us was enchanted by his exterior just as much as I was.

"So they call this the 'nickel empire'" I said as more of a statement than a question, clutching Leo's arm tight as we weaved through the crowd.

It was a beautiful day and since I too had never been to Coney Island, I fawned over the sight of concessions, roller coasters, freak show displays, and shooting galleries.

"They extended the subway here a couple years ago and now there's too many damn people." Leo said, shaking his head.

"Look at that!" I pointed to the ring toss game where two people stood concentrated on flinging ringed objects at old soda bottles.

"Most of these games are for saps. They rig the bottles." Spoken like a true con man. Content with conning others but never willing to get conned.

"Is that so?" He nodded then looked over his shoulder.

"Mary" He called to her, reaching into his pocket and grabbing a small handful of nickels. "You'll need these." Her eyes widened at the possibilities she now had with that many nickels in her possession. Even I was surprised though I knew small money meant nothing to Leo so this was no big deal.

"Thank you!" She grabbed the money and hurried off to a game that involved water.

"That was kind." I stated.

"Aren't I always kind?" He looked at me pretending to be hurt. I giggled at his expression while we continued to stroll down the boardwalk.

I still could not believe that I was here with Leo. He'd deflowered me and though I wanted to talk about it or at least ask how he felt about it, I refrained, not wanting to ruin the start of a great day. I truly enjoyed being around him and just the fact that he'd seen me today to take me out displayed that he did care about me.

"Well yes, but- I do know that you've had unkind moments." I said referring to his accounts of beating others to the ground and avoiding any discussion of sex with me. He seemed to catch on to my comment's intention because he nodded and gave a short chuckle.

"Is there something you want to ask, Claire?" We weaved past a man tap dancing. I looked down and shook my head.

"No." I said simply, a bit annoyed at myself for not speaking up.

"Says the broad who loves asking questions." He teased, touching my arm so that I would stop walking and stand before him in the middle of the boardwalk.

However, I wasn't worried about people bumping us because hopefully Leo's temper was infamous or at least evident.

"I do love asking questions." I stated proudly.

"However, I meant nothing by my comment Leo. So I have no questions." I lied and I was sure he could tell since he gave me a curious look with his eyes narrowed.

"Then we won't dwell on this." He assured, motioning for me to continue walking with him.

"But, I happen to have a question for you." He shoved his hands in his pockets to find a match book. "How was your evening with your mark?" Leo placed the cigarette between his lips.

"It was quite interesting..." I explained every part of the evening with Clyde to Leo. I even reluctantly mentioned the kiss before he placed me in a taxi.

As usual, Leo stayed quiet, nodding his head occasionally though I'd expected him to react to the kiss. Actually, I'd wanted him to react to the kiss.

"Then?" He urged, removing the cigarette from between his pink lips to blow out a coat of smoke.

"Then that was the end. I was bothered by it but when I went to breakfast with everyone Miles simply said 'welcome to the world of a con artist' and it was dismissed." I finished with a casual shrug of my shoulders.

"Miles said that" Leo furrowed his brows and sighed.

"Well, he did have to learn about this 'world' the hard way." I looked up at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well," Leo moved me closer to him as a bicycle whizzed passed us, then he continued, "the evening that he warned you about Sonny wasn't in vain." Wait, how did Leo know that I'd spent an evening with Sonny Clemenza?

"Miles told you?"

"Yes." He took a pull of the cigarette. "And rightfully so. Two years ago Clemenza bumped off his older brother."

"What!" I exclaimed, stopping in my tracks.

"Shall I repeat myself?" Leo asked sarcastically, stopping with me.

"Why did Sonny do that?" I asked innocently, as if I was entirely unfamiliar with the bootlegger's criminal possibilities. Though, I had not expected this news about Miles' relation to Sonny. I instantly regretted ever accepting gin from such a crooked man.

"Because, contrary to your belief, Clemenza can't be trusted." Leo starred straight into my eyes. "Miles' brother headed some numbers racket and occasionally did business with Sonny. When Miles began affiliating himself with Tony and I, Clemenza didn't approve and when he grew tired of sending warnings to Miles, he ordered a hit on the brother. But, Miles continued associating with us. I assume it's because he didn't want Clemenza to think he got the best of him." He ended with a short head nod.

I couldn't even meet Leo's eyes so I looked down apologetically. How could I have went to the Stork Club with a man as wicked as Sonny? Now I knew why Miles had warned me so fearfully. Sonny had killed his brother all because of his affiliation with Tony and Leo. What made them trouble in Sonny's eyes? And if working with them was so bad, what would stop him from coming for my family? Sonny was dangerous and I'd been so naive...and scared.

"I-I-didn't even know."

"Well, you do now." Leo took a step closer to me and lifted my chin up with his finger. Now my eyes met his hazel gems. A friendly smirk spread across his face. I could get lost in his magical eyes if I stared long enough. They comforted me and made me fall deeper for him.

"Remember when I said you're foolish for talking to strangers?" Leo asked. I recalled our third informal encounter in the street and nodded. "I meant it. Just listen next time."

"I wish I'd known sooner." I shrugged. "So does that mean Sonny knows you're a con artist?" Leo shook his head and flicked his cigarette away.

"No one knows." The entire unit had explained to me how their grifting was clean and well hidden so it came at no surprise that no one could possibly know. Sonny had seen Miles with the two men and purely felt threatened in some alternate way.

Leo tore his eyes away from me to look to his left. He narrowed his eyes and bit his bottom lip. We stood in silence until he said,
"Today's a wonderful day to learn a new con." He changed the subject and kept his gaze at the distance. "Don't you agree?" I looked at Leo and giggled at his random statement.

"I do." When I answered our eyes met. I smirked and cocked my eyebrow at him.

I could tell that he was proud of my quick response as if he'd expected me to do my usual nervous and doubtful performance. The same performance that seemed to peeve him as my mentor. But for a reason I could not exactly identify, I was ready and I trusted Leo's expertise so much that confidence poured out in my response.

Leo winked at me and smirked.
"Follow me Miss Manor."

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