Chapter Twenty-One

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Updates will be slow with the start of the semester but I'll try to have another chapter up asap. Like/Comment :)

"Miles would you please open another window." Anne fanned herself vigorously. "It is sweltering." She exaggerated.

"It would be my pleasure, however-" Miles shrugged his shoulders, "They're all opened." Anne rolled her eyes and stood up from her chaise.

"Tony, you live here! Do you intend to die this coming summer?"

"Well the only reason why we're held here in the heat is because we must wait for Leo. Therefore, I exempt myself from all blame." Tony kicked his shiny brown Oxfords atop the center table.

Anne shook her head with a scoff then disappeared into the kitchen.

We were all stuck waiting for Leo's cue to get him from a designated spot. He had embarked on a con that we all knew little about except the fact that he wanted all of us to get him when we received said cue.

The wait would not have been so treacherous if it were not for the warm temperature that engulfed the house. Only one fan circulated the area which was upsetting since no one had anticipated the heat.

It was getting quite late and I needed to get home soon or my mother would wonder why I'd returned hours after work was complete.

"So, Claire how is your little con going?" Miles asked. I nodded my head. I'd spent yesterday evening with Clyde and when he tried to kiss me I dipped away and swayed his attention to the full moon in the sky. Though he was most likely insulted and embarrassed, he still presented me with my first gift, a long strand of pink pearls. I had yet to tell or show anyone and I kept the box hidden under my mattress.

"Swell! All I have to do is bat my lashes and he falls deeper in lust." I said jokingly while I straightened my back in a very 'Anne-like' posture. Miles chuckled, sitting on the arm of the leather chair across the room.

Suddenly the telephone sounded from the foyer. Tony made his way over to answer while we all stayed quiet in the foyer. Anne even emerged from the kitchen with a mint julep in hand.

"Top of the evening Mr-" Tony was cut off and his face became serious, "Now? Okay-we will." He hung the telephone. "Let's go."

"Where is he?"

"The bridge."

When we arrived at the Brooklyn Bridge, there Leo stood on his side gazing out at the city's reflection on the East River. Immediately my heart skipped a beat simply from the mere sight of him.

"What'd you do? Sell this to someone?" Miles asked. The bridge seemed to be a recurring joke in the world of con artists. Leo didn't bother to turn around.

"My mark lived in Long Island, but I told her to leave me here. However, we should go because she will be back in the next five minutes realizing what I've done." No one asked any questions. We all just gathered in the car and drove off.

I had several of my own questions, one being where was Leo's car? Another being, what had he done? I hated that Leo never allowed me to ask questions.

"Alright Tony, stop here." Leo demanded after a couple minutes of driving. Tony did as he was told.

"Leo dear, you know I absolutely adore you, but why in the world are we all here?" Anne asked taking the words right from my mouth.

"Because," Leo began, "my mark happened to be the mother of an associate of this warehouse. And this warehouse happens to be a port for some of Clemenza's activity."

"What?!" We all said in unison with expressions of shock plastered on our faces.

"Sonny Clemenza?"

"Yes, Sonny Clemenza. Anyway, I obtained access to the warehouse and inside is profit that I desire."

"But you need our help to get it. So what's the plan boss?" Tony asked with a smirk. He seemed overly excited about this new con.

"For now I just want us to scope this place out. Get a feel for it. Then we can discuss the plan." With no further questions from the professionals, Tony, Anne, and Miles all exited the car and made their way towards the warehouse.

As Leo turned to go as well I grabbed his arm to stop him abruptly.

"Is this what you always do? Mess with someone as powerful as Clemenza?"

"Powerful?" He chuckled, removing his arm from my grip, "you're very gullible Claire."

"We could get caught and killed! I don't understand this con."

"That's because I have yet to explain it."

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