Chapter Twenty-Three

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Mary and Peter went off to school that morning and that afternoon I made sure to be punctual at the Copper Bull. However, I needed a password as usual, a password that I did not know.

Why hadn't I asked Leo before he strolled away? Because I was a sap, just like my mark. I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest.

No! Leo always thought ahead! He wouldn't have left me out here with no clue. What had he said earlier? He was clever so if he did not want to run the risk of the neighbors or my sister hearing. So, he chose a different means. He hid my gift where it could not be easily found among the muck of the alley. In that moment I snapped and knocked on the heavy door. The slit opened to a set of menacing eyes peering out at me. The eyes were familiar with my face, but still could not trust me.


"Um, bicycle." The slit closed and the door was then opened. "Thank you...for nothing." I muttered, descending the steps. As usual, the Copper Bull in the day time was nothing but a refuge for the drunkards to recover from a night of booze and jazz.

Scotty had his ear close to the radio as he dried a glass. When he saw me he grinned.

"Rookie! How ya been?"

"Swell, how're you?" Scotty set a glass of club soda in front of me and shrugged.

"Can't complain. Here for Leo?" I nodded, drumming my fingers on the counter top. "He said he's sending Tony to get you."

"Tony?" Scotty leaned over the counter.

"Yes ma'am. He ran into some business. That's all I know."

"What a-a-" I was lost for words as I bit my bottom lip in frustration. I'd expected to see him, on time, here! It was just like Leo to make unexpected changes.

Scotty laughed, still leaning in.
"You know, if I could put money on it I'd say that you fancy Leonardo, doll." I tilted my head with a disappointed expression.

"I do not fancy him." Scotty stared at me for almost five whole seconds until he chortled moving back toward the radio.

"If you say so doll, if you say so." Was a bartender really telling me whether I fancied Leo or not? Was I so transparent that even at the mere mention of his name my heart pulsates and my cheeks turned scarlet.

"Scotty!" Tony's greeting interrupted my thoughts. He produced a flask. "Fill 'er up with whisky. I have a taste for quaintness." He kissed my cheek.

"Hello darling."

"Good afternoon, Tony. So Leo told you to come for me?"

"You heard." He took a swing from the now filled flask then tucked it into his waistcoat. "Shall we?"

He took my hand and led me out back into the broad daylight. His car was directly in front of the building.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he began to drive.

"To plan." He retrieved a cigarette from behind his ear and placed it between his lips. We seemed to be nearing Harlem. I had never been to Harlem, but then again I'd never been to many placed outside of the Bowery.

"See that club?" Tony pointed out past me. I followed his finger to see the name of the club, Magic. "It's a ritzy Black and Tan. Leo and I use to go there a lot when we were sixteen. The Colored dames loved us." He laughed, blowing out a gust of cigarette smoke. They'd spent their younger years together.

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