Chapter Six

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Charlie Brazzo had come early Monday morning to pick up the cake he demanded a few days ago.

He was a big man with a left eye that was smaller than his right because he'd been stabbed in that eye several years ago. He spoke in a deep voice that sounded like a bass saxophone. He was the right hand man of one of the city's most notorious bootleggers, Sonny Clemenza. I had heard a plethora of Sonny Clemenza stories and even read about him in the paper every now and then. He controlled almost every aspect of the city, but he kept a low profile which was why I had never seen his face. His soldiers frequented at the bakery, usually uttering only a few words to me. It was better that way because my father had always told me to avoid those men by all means.

"Good morning doll." He removed his hat. "Where's Luccino?"

"He should be in the back finishing the cake." I answered sweeping the floor. Charlie shook his head.

"Tell him if the cake is not out here by the time I count down from twenty- no nineteen, then I'm coming back with bigger guns." Guns? Why would he bring guns? Was he planning on killing Luccino, and me! I went to the back as Charlie began his count down. I saw a partially frosted wedding cake and Mr. Luccino on the telephone wiping his forehead with a handkerchief.


"Mr. Luccino, you have to finish this cake or Charlie is going to apparently get the big guns." Mr. Luccino groaned over the telephone speaking in fast paced Italian. I couldn't understand a word.


"Mr. Luccino, what should I say?!"

"Tell him to come in one hour!"

"Five!" I was hesitant to go back out and when I did I saw Charlie put his hat back on.

"He asked if you could come back in one hour. Please?" I opened the front door for him smiling. He shook his head.

"That's no good." He then walked out and into his Deusenberg then sped away. Now I really feared for Mr. Luccino.

Just as I prepared myself to offer him help I noticed Jean enter with her low-waisted teal dress. She looked like a flapper in broad daylight.

"Claire, why didn't you come last night?"

"Sorry, I got into some trouble with my mother. But look now isn't a good time to talk."

"Why?" She asked. I peered outside with no sight of Charlie.

"Mr. Luccino was supposed to have a cake ready today for some mobster or whoever. Charlie Brazzo came and left saying that he would bring the big guns since the cake isn't ready." I said in a whisper, looking toward the back of the shop.

"Holy cow! He's going to shoot Luccino!" Jean gasped with a chuckle. I shrugged.

"I don't know but you should go, now." And just as I pushed Jean out the door the Deusenberg pulled up to the front and out stepped three men. One was Charlie but the other two I was unfamiliar with until they stepped inside and I noticed the one in the center as the man who had bought Jean and I gin at the Copper Bull.

"Where's Luccino?" He asked sternly not even looking in my direction.

"Um, he's in the-um-the back." All this over a wedding cake! I almost peed myself as I watched all three men approach the back room and shut the door behind them. I said a quiet prayer for my boss, but within minutes I saw all three men and Mr. Luccino come out with a large cake box.

"See we don't like trouble Luccino" Charlie smiled.

"You should've told me you were just wrapping it up!" The man who had bought me gin leaned into Luccino and whispered something then smiled patting him twice on the cheek. He was older but now that I could see him in natural light I could tell that he still had youthful features. He looked over at me with that same smile.

"I hope we didn't scare this beauty." Charlie and the other man left with the cake. "How was the gin?" He remembered me?

"Good. I meant to thank you but I had to go. So thank you." I nervously smiled. My heart was beating unbelievably fast since he was a man of power who was speaking to my lowness. He stood up straight and tipped his hat.

"Luccino, don't screw up again."

"Never again Santino."

"I told you Luccino, we're friends so just call me Sonny." He opened the door. "Have a great day."

Could that have been Sonny Clemenza? Had I just met him and seen him in the flesh?

"Was that Sonny Clemenza?" I asked.

"Yes, Santino Clemenza." I was in shock. I had seen him before! He bought me gin. He said I was a beauty. The biggest bootlegger in the city had been right inside this bakery.

"You're lucky he didn't kill you. How did you finish the cake?"

"I gave them Mrs. Broads cake. Now watch the store, while I step out." He took his newsboy cap off the coat rack and left. He was probably going to get ingredients which his nephew was usually sent to do. However, he was sick with a fever.

I began sweeping again and noticed Jean and Ruby slowly creep into the shop as if they were cautious about something.

"Is Luccino dead?" Ruby asked in a whisper. I rolled my eyes and looked at Jean. Since when did she tell Ruby anything.


"See, I knew it Jean, nothing exciting happens around here." Ruby tossed her hair and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Actually something really exciting happened." I stomped the broom. "Sonny Clemenza came in here just a few minutes ago!"

"No he did not." Ruby immediately protested.

"Did he?" Jean asked.

"Yes, and you've seen him. He bought us the drink the night we went to the Copper Bull." Jean slowly grinned at me.

"I don't believe you Claire. Why would Sonny Clemeza come to this bakery." Ruby glanced around almost disgusted by a shop that was not near Arnold's home where high class met high quality.

"I don't know Ruby, but he was here with two of his men to pick up a cake." I continued sweeping.

"Wow, a bootlegger bought me gin." Jean squealed.

"So are you coming to the Copper Bull tonight?" I had to because Leo had told me to meet him there at nine o'clock but Jean couldn't know that.

"No, not tonight. Maybe tomorrow night we can go to- a different speak." I suggested. Jean's smile disappeared as she shrugged.

"Maybe. I'll see you later though Claire." She gave me a disappointed farewell.

"So long." Ruby waved as they both left the shop. Tonight had better be worth it since I was leaving my friend in the hands of Satan.

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