Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The Copper Bull
4 Months Earlier

Leo watched as the girl with the long chestnut brown hair dropped an emerald broach into the pocket of the black and silver dress that she wore. She then followed her bob haired companion to the dance floor as the Bugle Call Blues began to play.

He'd spotted her only seconds before she had been whisked away to dance. It was hard to ignore a pretty dame who looked as if she'd stumbled into the blind pig by accident which was obvious by both her attire and demeanor. Most patrons wore their bobs with confidence and wouldn't bring valuables that they sought to hide. That was what made her stand out amongst the sea of Sheba's.

Yet, there was something so captivating about the young woman that Leo almost felt tempted to tap her shoulder and ask her for a dance of his own. Just one dance so that he could wrap his arms around her slender hips and see her innocent grin up close.

"Found a looker?" Scotty asked as Leo kept his eyes on the girl.

"Yeah," he nodded his head in her direction, "who's the one in the silver?"

"The rookie?" Scotty chuckled but shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know but Clemenza bought her a gin so he might know." Leo looked at his friend with narrowed eyes. Sonny bought drinks for all beautiful women especially if he supplied the alcohol for any particular establishment. But he wasn't stupid so he had to have known she was fresh meat.

"Do me a favor and ask him if he knows her." Leo instructed, spotting Clemenza in a far corner of the room. They were aware of each others presence though as long as one didn't bother the other, they could coexist without incident.

Scotty nodded at the instruction then left his post behind the bar to address Sonny.

A gentle hand grazed Leo's neck causing him to lean into it without having to turn around. Earlier in the evening, after attending a Ziegfeld show, he'd met a georgeous chorus girl that he considered to be worth his attention. They'd all agreed to come to The Copper Bull and to get further acquainted. However, now, "the rookie" intrigued him like no other and he would have a hard time pretending that he was interested in the chorus girl.

"I'm going to have a smoke." She said close to his ear. "Join me?" Leo turned his head just slightly to capture her sculpted profile of rouged cheeks and curled blonde hair.

"I'll meet you outside." He said as she smiled and kissed his cheek with her dark lips then sauntered through the crowd.

As if on cue, Scotty returned to his position behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of scotch to fill Leo's glass to the brim.

"He said he's seen her at Luccino's bakery once or twice." Scotty started filling a second glass for himself. "Then he told me not to get any ideas." He chuckled, raising the glass of scotch and swallowing it in one gulp.

Leo shook his head at the possessive nature of his former godfather. "Don't." Leo warned with a trace of humor as he stood up and smirked. Scotty threw his arms up in surrender playing along. "Luccino's you said?" The bartender nodded in final confirmation as Leo finished his drink then went to join his date in the crisp darkness of the night.

There were a few people outside in the narrow alley but she was noticeable by her curved silhouette under a bold dress of jewels and satin.

"Are we cutting out for the night?" Her grainy voice sounded as he approached. "I have a cozy cot. Good for two." She winked.

Leo lit his own cigarette then laughed, exhaling smoke from between his lips.

"I'm taking you home. Then I'm going-to my home." She was clearly drunk and he didn't care for her behavior.

She scoffed and tossed her cigarette aside.

"You brought me here to ignore me! No one ignores me."

"You're drunk." He stated which seemed to upset the girl since she pushed past him and went back inside The Copper Bull to find some other sap to scoop.

Leo sighed, surprisingly unbothered by her exaggerated display. She wasn't the first and she wouldn't be the last. Her friend had accompanied Tony to one of the rooms in the back and she had expected the same treatment. Though Tony knew he had a con in Bronxville early tomorrow, he couldn't resist.

In fact, Leo took his pocket watch out to check the time. It had been fifteen minutes since he last saw his childhood friend so maybe there was time for one last drink before he had to discuss Tony's trip before tomorrow.

Leo noticed a figure from the corner of his eye that stood only far enough to hide behind a soft shadow despite the glistening silver that bounced off of the natural glow of the moon. He felt her staring intently and in that single moment he knew what the focus was on. She couldn't see his face so she wasn't captivated by aesthetics. No, the rookie who had seemed so impeccant and pure was scheming. But if conning had taught him anything it was to never underestimate a person. Especially not a broad.

So he slipped the watch back into his pocket slowly and turned just as she started toward him and collided with his frame. He ever so swiftly teased her dress pocket, retrieving the broach as he tried to steady her.

"Whoa!" She shook his hand off which allowed him to flip the broach to his inner palm. "Watch where you're going sir!"

"My apologies ma'am." He kept his head tilted low and walked away from her as she began to run down the alley with her friend, his watch, and the false idea that she'd successfully gotten one over on him. Leo laughed, dropping the broach into his breast pocket, and walking back inside to enjoy another drink.

Later that night, as the dance floor was cleared of patrons and the chairs were stacked atop round tables, Tony joined Leo in a single booth at the back of The Copper Bull.

"Another successful night for the books." Tony raised his gimlet in a silent toast.

"Was she impressive?"

"She was a delight." He grinned. "How was your girl?"

"I wouldn't know since I wasn't interested." Leo leaned back in the seat. "Someone else peaked my interest instead."

"I'm not surprised. The flappers coming through here lately have been quite the sight."

"It's crazy because she wasn't a flapper." Leo said. "Just some broad that picked my pocket."

"You're pulling my leg." Tony shook his head but when he realized Leo was serious his eyes widened in disbelief. They both let out a laugh coming to the full realization that someone was capable of challenging Leo.

"I feel inclined to ask; was she successful?"

"She was." Leo nodded as Tony whistled one long note.

"Geez Leo, you better grab that dame now before it's too late." He said before finishing the content in his glass. Leo slid his drink over for his friend to finish then reached into his pocket.

"Too late?" He found the broach and set it down on the table, cocking his eyebrow. "She's just getting started."

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