Chapter Twenty-Four

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Picture of Leo (during the end of the chapter)
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I guess I had eventually cried myself to sleep while on the ground near the door because at some hour of the night I heard a soft rap on the door and a voice repeatedly calling my name.

I woke up and crawled slowly away from the door as Anne proceeded to enter.

"Thank heavens you're alive!" She shook her head and reached down to help me up onto my feet. "I didn't mean to wake you but Miles and I have a few guests over so if we get too loud don't hesitate to intrude."

I rubbed my eyes and nodded. All I wanted to do was keep my eyes shut all night. I would rather that than interact with anyone even for the sake of company.

"Don't mind Leo, Claire. His upbringing makes him accustom to acting that way but we all know he cares." Anne assured. Even at the sound of his name my eyes rolled way into my head. But I nodded in false understanding so that she wouldn't feel the need to further elaborate.

"Okay, well have a good night. If you need to get home I will summon Tony to take you." She smiled reassuringly at me and shut the door.

I fell onto the bed and could already hear the laughter of the guests downstairs as a jazz tune began to play and glasses toasted with several delicate clinks.

I had barely fallen into a second era of sleep before I heard a voice down the hall that sounded like Leo's. I quickly stood up wanting to leave before he had a chance to see me. The window? The closet? I contemplated, but as soon as I stood to approach the door there was a knock. I cursed under my breath but stayed silent. Maybe he would leave.

"I know you're in there Claire." Leo said on the other side. I sighed heavily then called out.

"What do you want?" Leo opened the door but kept his hand on the knob.

"You should already know." I scoffed at his attempt to seem compassionate.

"I have to go Leo." I stood in front of him impatiently. "Excuse me."

"You're not going anywhere so sit down."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Leo sighed and stepped into the room.

"Claire," he took a step closer to me, "sit down."
I held his gaze for another second, taking an exaggerated breath before I turned on my heels and sat on my vanity chair.

"What?" I asked, watching as he placed his suit jacket on my bed and took a piece of lint off his hat before setting it down.

"Well, for starters, shall we discuss your contained dislike of me."

"Oh good, so you know." I said with a cock of my head. Leo chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You're a funny girl Claire. Has anyone ever told you that?" Now he was mocking me. I hated him. He was so self invested. I scoffed then stood up ready to leave.

"Yes, I've been told by my charming mark and you know what? I actually believe it when it comes out of his mouth." I gave Leo a shove but right as I tried to leave, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him so that our bodies were pressed together. I could tell Leo was angry by the way his eyes glared into mine and by the strong grip he had on my arm. After all, I'd flicked his tie earlier and shoved him just a moment ago.

"You're going to tell me what the problem is and you're going to do it now."

"My problem is that you treat me like you don't care about me and you make me wait around while you go handle 'business' that most likely involves other woman." I said in a raised tone. However, even though I despised him in the moment, I couldn't help but enjoy being so close to him so that I could feel his body heat under the tweed waistcoat. His gaze never left mine but it gave me a chance to admire his defined facial structure, smooth hairless cheeks, fiery hazel eyes, and that odd scar below his right eye. All the features that had infatuated me that day in the bakery. Could I even stay mad at that handsome face?

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