Chapter Sixteen

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Updates will not be as frequent from this point on (my class schedule is hectic) but if you're enjoying the book then like/comment so that I know to write more :) this chapter is my favorite so I hope you all like it!

It was on a warm Thursday afternoon when I happened to see Leo again, but only because I had been looking for him. I knew that if I didn't go out and find him then two weeks would lapse before I saw him again and I was not prepared for that.

So I went to the Copper Bull in the morning, with my password ready, and asked Scotty if he knew where Leo might be. All the while peaking through the hall I'd went down with him when we first formally met.

The Copper Bull was barren as it usually was in the early hours of the day, but Leo was unpredictable and could be the only soul in the bar's presence. However, Scotty shook his head turning down the radio on the shelf behind him.

"He's not here. Try the barber on Mott street. I seen him there a few times."

So I went down to the barber which was filled with all types of men but none that resembled Leo nor had they seen him. They all were just drawn to my exposed legs and neck since I happened to be the only lady present.

"If you see him," I told the only man who was not salivating at my being as he lathered shaving cream over the cheeks of a customer. "Can you tell him Claire's looking for him? Please?" The barber chortled while nodding his head.

"Sure doll." I thanked him then left before I could be molested by hungry eyes.

I returned home afterward since my mother assumed that my supposed secretary position began in the late afternoon and went on until ten thirty which justified my late returns home. Although, in reality I was elsewhere learning or executing the art of grifting.

Though my mother was at the factory, my brother and sister were home since the school day was over. Peter was outside playing baseball, but Mary sat on the fire escape reading The Scarlett Letter. Once she saw me she began to make smooching noises, puckering her lips.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"I know you have a boyfriend."

"You don't know anything." I joined her outside.

We were on the second story of the building with a view of the stray cat ridden alley. Clothing lines crossed the sky with each hanging garment resembling a colorful cloud or bird. Two young boys sifted through the trash in plaid newsboy caps looking for sticks or rods of metal to play with. I remembered playing in this alley when I was eight years old with Jean. My father would come down ever so often with Wafers of Hershey's for us to share. My mother would protest but he'd give us a wink then return up to distract her as our mouths and fingers stained with the deliciousness. I didn't worry back then. Ten years ago. I went to school and came back home. My father would even give me a nickel each day that I behaved which allowed me to save enough money to buy my sister and I two dolls at the toy store. It had been simple back then.

"I know you have all new things, expensive things that your boyfriend probably bought you and I'm telling mama if you don't tell me." She threatened interrupting my memory

"You don't know anything." I repeated.

"Stop saying that!" She was growing irritated. "I do know and I will tell."

"I have money saved Mary, so I bought some new things. That's it."

"Liar." She accused pointing a finger at me. I laughed loudly pushing her finger away from my face.

"Geez, I'm not lying but I am heading to work. Would you like me to get you anything?" I asked, ducking back into the window but keeping my head out as I waited for a response.

To Become A Con Artistजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें