Chapter Twenty-Five

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Since this chapter is short and not as exciting as some of the other ones, I'll be updating a new chapter within the next week or so! Like/Comment

When I woke up the next morning I rolled over to an empty spot where Leo had once been.

Just the thought of his name made me warm. I couldn't believe that I'd given myself to him. My mother had once told me that virginity was sacred and had to be given to a man I loved after marriage. Though we were far from married, I knew that I loved Leo even though he drove me crazy. I was even surprised at myself, especially afterward when we were both silent. He'd been so gentle and sensitive with my body which was a big change from his usual brooding personality.

However, I needed to get home because I knew my mother would be worried since I generally came home at night. Knowing her, she'd probably think I was hurt or murdered. So I had to head back home from Gramercy.

I quickly slid into a new dress then left the room to go downstairs. Anne and Miles were asleep in the same place that they'd been busy socializing in last night. There was also a man I did not recognize propped in the leather chair closest to the window, with his jacket posing as a blanket.

When I went into the kitchen I saw Tony on a stool with a cup of coffee and a New York Times in hand. He looked up from the paper and smiled.

"Good morning doll. Care for some coffee?" I shook my head and replied.

"No thank you."

"Quite a night, wasn't it?" Tony winked. I froze.

"What? Why do you say that?" I asked nervously. Had Leo told Tony?! Or worse, had Tony-overheard?

"Well, Anne and Miles reek of booze and surrendered to the sofas." He chuckled, setting down his paper. I sighed in relief.

"How was your night?"

"Prosaic." He shrugged. "Yours?"

"Same." I lied. "Do you know where Leo is?" Tony finished his coffe.

"He left early this morning to do some business in the Hamptons. However, he gave me some instructions for your con." Tony stood up and checked the time. "Shall I explain in the car? I know you need to get home." I nodded and thanked him, grateful for how helpful the con artist unit always was.

As planned before, but further emphasized by Tony, I was to accompany Clyde to a picture tonight. But, I would have to pretend that I had only seen two other pictures in the past. I knew what the intention of the lie was but I didn't know what that outcome would be. Clyde had already gotten me jewelry and gave me small amounts of money every now and then but never anything grand enough.

"Then you will notice that he pity's the fact that he's spent time treating you to an abundance of luxury yet you haven't been able to enjoy a simple film. By the end of the night, thank him for everything, as you always do, but give him a gift."

"What gift?"

"Cuff links." Tony reached into his waist coat to display a small box. "Keep it in your purse and make sure he puts you in a taxi at the end of the night."


"What type of automobile should you be in at the end of the night Claire?" Tony asked, a tad condescending. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"A taxi, Tony. Contrary to popular belief I am not incompetent." His car slowed to a stop as he chuckled in response.

"Of course not doll." He went to open my door.

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