Chapter 17

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An ambulance came to pick Deckard and Alex up. They were carried inside only to be injected with something by an older lady.

"Who are you?!" Alex asked, shooting up, a hand on her gun.

"Watch the nerves Mum!" Alex was very confused.

"Oh, shut up, don't be such a baby." Deckard's mother said, rolling her eyes.

"What? I thought your mom was in prison?" Alex exclaimed

"She was, but she escaped." Deckard put a hand over his face.

"Huh." Alex shrugged

"Alright...We can either spend time chit chatting or I can tell you what you will be doing." Deck looked at Alex with an embarrassed expression then back at his mother.

"I'm so confused." Alex said while she stretched and closed her eyes laying back on the table

"Well, if you'd let me talk I could've told you by now." She paused, waiting for any more interruptions, "You're rogue friend, hasn't gone rougue."

"Dom contacted you?" Alex asked, jolting up, surprised, she nodded.

"Did he hold up his end of the deal?" Deckard asked running a hand over his face.

"He gave me this little thing here." She held something that resembled a smart watch. "No, don't touch." She smacked his hand away. "You can track Cipher with this, but you can't do this on your own. There's gotta be two of you."

"Fine, Lex can come."

"What? Are you saying you wouldn't let me go if you didn't need another person?" Alex asked but the two ignored her.

"No. you're gonna take your brother."

"No." The family argued.

"Yes." She paused "Torretto knows where he is..."

"I also know where he is..." Alex mumbled, looking the other way.

"He's got this thing. He can see everything it's like it's called the devil's bumhole or something?" Deckard rolled his eyes and grumbled as Alex chuckled.

"It's called God's eye" Alex said with a smile.

"Yeah, well. Whatever." Mrs Shaw rolled her eyes.

"There's no way I'm bringing Owen, alright? He's a lost cause." Now Alex started to get upset at Deckard

"He's your brother, Deckard!" Alex said

"And he's my son. He's our family. And you don't turn your back on family.." she started to wimper with tears "Bloody sh*t it's happening." She put her head in her hands "I can't believe you. You've gotten upset, you really upset your mother. Call yourself a brother?" She blew into a tissue.

"Look, I'll do it mum!" She looked up to reveal  she was faking "Every time." Deckard rolled his eyes.

Special Agent O'Connor. [A Deckard Shaw Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now