Chapter 40- Shy Jungoo

Start from the beginning

Jungkook sighed and looked down " Bunny " Jungkook looked up at Taehyung " tommorow we will file the case on Bogum, okay ?" Jungkook nodded his head... Taehyung grabbed his hands and looks at him " you okay ?" Jungkook sighed but nodded his head " I just hope he get punished for his sins " Jungkook said.... Taehyung caresse his back.

" Of course he we have to get ready for tommorow " Jungkook nodded his head and smiled looking at the excided Taehyung " such a dork " Jungkook thought to himself.

In the club....

Bogum was checking out girls when Lisa stood in front of him " You're here " He said with annoyed face " of course it's my best friends club " She said and sat in front of him...Bogum rolled his eyes " So how the plan going?" She asked him...Bogum groaned " Jungkook never let me touch him, Always kicking me away " Lisa smirked but cover it with a smile.

" Same with Taehyung " while they were talking, Sope and Yoonmin were trying to calm down Mina " I have never done this before, oh god my heart beat " She was panicking, Yoonji rolled her eyes " dude calm just have to act naturally " She said " my friend is coming back from America today....she will be here my any moment " They heard Lisa talking with Bogum.

" Time for you to go " Jimin said and pushed her towards the club....Mina took a deep breath and entered into the club " Oh there she is " Lisa said, Bogum's eyes moved at he saw Mina, who was walking towards them...Bogum who was sitting there now stood up looking at her " Marina!" Lisa went to her and hugged her.

" You walked kinda Unique " Lisa whispered to her and pulled away from the hug " Bogum " Bogum who was staring at Mina now then his gaze toward Mina " Meet Marina Jeon " Mina looks at him with a slight smile And stretch her hand for a hand shake... without wasting a sec Bogum shook hands with her.

" Marina Jeon " He smirked mentally looking at her.

Mina felt uncomfortable when Bogum touched her hand like that,but she ignored it and continued with the act

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Mina felt uncomfortable when Bogum touched her hand like that,but she ignored it and continued with the act...Sope and Yoonmin looked at Mina surprised, She was acting too good " you guys continue, I have some work " Lisa said and excused from them " so kiss Marina " Bogum was About to say something but Mina cut him.

" Marina Jeon " Mina said with a seducing smile, which kinda effect Bogum pretty hard.

On the other hand Taekook were sitting in a café talking with Minho " So you mean your friend will be my assistant in the hospital?" Jungkook and Taehyung nodded their head " I don't mind, but who will confess Seo joon for that ?" Minho said to them... Taehyung and Jungkook told him the plan.

Now, the only problem was Seo joon...because he like Bogum a lot, maybe he can help him " Look Minch- I mean Minho...First Seo joon is my friend then he is Bogum's...I will call him now and talk to him about Mina's job " Taehyung said with so much confidence while Jungkook stare at him smiling.

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