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Dinner arrives and I am ushered next to Leo and although I anticipated a dreadful banquet, he was being remarkably cordial throughout the night, passing me my bread and butter while wiping specks of food off my face. And even stranger, he only uttered 3 huzzahs instead of his usual 8 within the hour which was more surprising than any other event.

But unsurprisingly, my eyes cement onto Donatello. He and Sarai were conversing about things relating to Genovia while mulling on more informal topics of interest. They were getting along pretty well....

"Thank you all for joining Calla and me. Here's a toast to Genovia and my wife's belated birthday! To Calla! HUZZAH" Leo announces, raising a glass to the air.

'TO Calla!" the people cheer. My mother and father beam while Donatello smiles. The night continues on and I laugh whispering little tidbits to my mother and father. Oslo was at the banquet along with Lizabeth and my family.

The night continued on until a surprise was brought. It was a small little cage covered with a thick white cloth. Leo shoots from his chair and runs over to crouch near the tiny box. "Calla. This is a gift that has been long overdue. For you!" He lifts the blanket and I see a little brown fox.

Instantly, I freeze and look over at Donatello. He sensed my uncomfortable spirit but nodded, coaxing me to go on. I stood from my chair, careful to travel to the cage. Leo opens the door, eager for me to meet the little beast but the loud bang of the closing cage triggers my traumatic memory and I scream, violently falling to the ground.

"Calla! Calla!" Leo reaches out to touch me but I cringe away, looking at him than the 100 pairs of eyes that were glued on me...

"I...am...sorry..." I whisper before running out the doors. Tears gushed from my eyes as I remember Paxton and the cherished memories we once shared. How could Leo think that I would be ready for a new fox? No one could replace Paxton...my heart couldn't take it.

A warm hand comes behind me and I instantly relaxed. He always came to my side.

"Calla" he hummed, pulling me into his warmth. I sob into his chest as I think of everything that happened these past few days. I was truly tired of everything. My life in Genovia, trying to plan this coupe. Why did everything seem so hopeless?

"Aren't you tired of my tears? They seem to come everyday" I mutter.

"Never" he smiles, kissing my forehead. I look up to his eyes, taking in his features with warm regard. "I know Leo was trying to be nice...but my heart cannot take another fox...I can't" I cursed, burying my head against his neck.

"There is nothing wrong with admitting your truth. Leo will understand." He says, pulling my jaw up to face his. We stare in warm regard until he bent down to kiss me. We smacked carelessly, letting the silence of the night steer our peace.

"Calla?" I turn round and see Sarai standing in the shadows.She looked shocked and hurt seeing Donatello kissing me. Why wouldn't she? Just moments before, she thought Donatello was hers.

"Oh Sarai...I didn't see you there" I say, pulling away from Donatello. She looked at my lips then at Donatello's before running away.

"Great! Now my sister is upset at me" I cursed, stepping over to where she fled.

"What? Why would she be mad at you"

"She's in love with you Donatello!"

"I barely talked to her for four minutes!" He refuted, looking confused as ever. He was lucky he was so cute. Donatello was smart in literature and all things science but he was so dense in affectionate things like this.

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