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Today was the day!

The day I would be reunited with my family. My feet would sink into the bountiful soil of Cedonia!

I was as quiet as mouse as I crouched down in the wooden chest Lizabeth had concealed me in. I beamed thinking of Lizabeth's cleverness as she created the idea of hiding me under a thin blanket in the chest. It would be exported to Cedonia. It was the perfect plan!

Our plan was simple.

Once I felt the carriage traveled far enough, I would take the key Lizabeth tied to my leg and unlock the chest.

Up and down I shook against the uneven gravel but I didn't care. I was far too happy to glower at the uncomfortable nature of the journey. I could already smell my mother's humble roast, crisping along with the fire along with the sharp smell of hickory wood chips burning in the fire place.

And to see Sarai's beautiful smile....how I missed her so.

I would soon be home.


What seemed like hours passed before the carriage finally stopped. I couldn't tell what hour of the day it was but I assumed it to be nighttime? It had to be; we had been traveling for hours.

"What is this?"

My heart races as I hear the deep voices of two men approaching my box. My stomach dropped as I felt them picking up the wooden crate, swinging it to take it somewhere unbeknownst to me. But where?

Before I could even shout, I feel cold water rushing into my case. "Hey! Hey!" I scream, trying to find my key to unlock the chest. It seemed as if they had thrown me into the waters.


"Emperor we rode around the palace for 3 hours with the chest like you said" one of my guards bowed. I rolled my eyes, sinking lower into my chair. "Do another hour" I cursed before shooing them away.

Ystev stands at the side of the room quietly, watching me as I unraveled. I do not know why but Calla seemed to be irritating my spirits more and more each day. "Ystev" I whisper, pushing a finger to my lips.

"Emperor Leo...I have tried. I have talked to her already and she said she will learn her place in the palace."

"So why the FUCK IS SHE TRYING TO ESCAPE THE PALACE IN A WOODEN CRATE?" I yelled. Ystev twiddles his fingers, waiting patiently to let my anger subside.

"Emperor...she will come around in due time"

"No..No... fuck that Ystev. I tried your way, I even tried God's way. I am going to do it my way!" I fumed, shooting out my chair to head to the stables. "Tell the guards to prepare my horses."


A few men and I venture to the eastern side of the palace, stopping at the shores of the seas. A group of men are already gathered by the water's edge, waiting for my command. I make sure to lift my head to signal the guards to lift the crate off the carriage. "Throw her in!" I shouted.

The guards nodded before walking to the shallowest part of the lake and submerging her in. I waited a couple of minutes, hopping off my horse to pet its mane.

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