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"How could you!" Lizabeth huffs slamming the door behind the doctor. I was relieved at the doctor's examination and reassuring words. He said the baby was healthy and seemed strong. I prayed it was a boy. For my sake and Leo's.

"You have every right to be upset. A date with a handsome man! How could I ever betray you!" Sarcasm laced my tone.

"Betray! What a fitting word. You have betrayed me Calla. A date with him?!" I had never seen Lizabeth become so undone. She was always the perfect picture of qualm and togetherness. It was humours seeing her unravel all because of a man she fancied.

I giggle watching her fume as she pulled away my covers.

"So what are you wearing for the date?"

She opened her mouth to rip me apart but before she could, a knock sounded at the door.

"Empress. Empress!!" I hear Oslo's voice followed by another set of rapid knocks. I ran to open it and frown. We hadn't interacted that much since Leo forced me away from Espana. I missed him but thought it best we keep a distance until plans for the coupe resurfaced.

I wondered the reason for his intrusion. "Oslo it's so late?" I yawn as I glance at his pocket watch. It was half past 1.

"Sorry empress but news like this must be shared. Look!" He shoves a few paper into my hand closing the door behind him. "The godhead is obsolete!"

My eyes focus on the black lettering of the news print as I whisper the headline. "The Church of England has deemed the godhead immature, inhumane and childish?" I crush the papers between my palms, looking into Oslo's eager eyes.

"Do you know what this means empress?" He asks, barley able to contain his excitement.

I nod, biting my lip with glee.


My plan to kill Leo was finally coming into fruition and this declaration was the perfect catalyst!
"This announcement will force people to pick sides Oslo!"

Lizabeth took the paper from my hands and quickly scanned its contents. She couldn't read of course but I knew she could pick up little letters and words.

"Picking sides means a revolt" Lizabeth snapped at the thought.

"Exactly" I nodded, going to my writing desk to draft a letter. "Give this letter to J'offre Oslo."
I dot my last "i" and crease the paper. "We need to act fast and effectively. We must make our plans intentional."

"Of course" Oslo takes the letter and folds it into his chest pocket.

It was impertinent the four of us meet together to form our plan of action and fast.

"Let's meet three days from now. Leo is going out of town to England. He is giving the country a chance to retract their statement." I stood from my writing chair to walk him to the door.

"Perfect." Oslo nodded, stuffing the paper in his pant pocket. "I will tell the general tomorrow morning with the letter in hand." He says his goodnight adieus before closing the door.

I turn around to face Lizabeth, excited at the recent turn of events.
"Lizabeth, tell the doctor to come as well. I have a plan...and I need his help for its successful completion."

"Yes empress" she nodded, fluffing my pillows. It was late and I knew it was intentional. I need my rest.

"We will meet at the 7 th hour in the morning." I yawn before climbing into my covers. Tomorrow was a new day with new opportunities and for the first time in a long time, I felt the warmth of a flame.

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