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The hottest day of the summer was drawing to a close and a serene silence lay over the tiny cottages of a little town by the name of Cedonia. Gone where the hysterical laughs of the village kids romping in the cool pond near the forest while their nervous mothers stood closeby, shouting at them to be careful.

All the residents of Cedonia had escaped to the shade of their breezy homes and cottages, lounging by the open doors of their cabins, praying that winter would soon come. The only person left outdoors was a youthful miss who was lying nimbly in a bed of flowers just near the outskirts of the town.

Gone was the uncomfortable corset that sinched her waist so tight and netted stockings that restricted her blood flow. The young girl laid free, with only her thin petticoats to cover her healthy physique. Now Calla was not your ordinary lady who despised fairytales and cursed love at first sight. No, Calla was excited to love, to read, to learn. She enjoyed hiding in solitude while pondering the outlandish realities of life; dreaming of the day she would be whisked away by a handsome young fellow and living happily ever after.

Many sneered at her girlish optimism but she cherished it, for it made her Calla.


I never understood why people feared the sun.

While they moved to escape to the shadows, I embraced the sunlight, letting its warm rays caress my darkened skin. A small grin fills my face as I think of the past summer months in our humble little town. Warm nights reading in the forest while snacking on iced treats; frolicking in the meadows with my little sister Sarai...how sad I was for it to end.

Just as I closed my eyes to take in the silence once more, a large shadow of darkness blocked the warm radiance of the sun. "Calla!" my friend's vibrant voice bellowed against the fields, disturbing my peaceful relaxation.

Of course, I ignore her.

"Calla!" she shouts again, waiting until I opened my eyes to notice her but I resisted, trying to cherish the last few moments of sunlight I had until the end of the evening came. She probably had some vapid news to tell me or insignificant village gossip.

"Fine. Keep ignoring me Calla and I will just refrain from telling you of the events befalling our humble town," Cassandra says through a huff.

"Bless your humble soul Cassandra for you have spared me" I smirked sarcastically, lifting my hand to push her away so I could take in more sun. A chilly breeze made the hairs on my neck stand to attention and for this I was worried. This breeze meant a cold front would soon arrive and trap me indoors for the rest of the month.

"Fine! I suppose I will not tell you about the carriage that rolled in here from the kingdom of Genovia" (*Disney lawyers have entered the chat*).

"Carriages move through our village every day Cassandra. What makes this occasion so important?" I sighed, sitting up to face her again. Our village was on the main road to every major city in the kingdom so many travelers passed through.

"But this is a special carriage Calla! It was painted in gold and adorned with diamonds. Elegant white pearls were encrusted on each wall. And!!" she gasped, sitting closer to face me. "It stopped outside your little cottage past the fountain of our town" she smiles, lifting her arms above her head to lay in the grass beside me, itching for a worthy response.

"You jest?" I frowned, turning over to observe the blades of grass that had found their way onto my skin.

"I do not jest! There was a man as tall as the heavens. He looked as if he was a priest of some sort? Maybe a witch? Who knows. He asked the villagers for the family named Duvont and was in search of a girl by the name of Calla" she confessed, making sure to put emphasis on each syllable of my title.

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