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I felt disgusted and confused.

Seeing the knife in Calla's hand filled me with emotions I never experienced.
I couldn't put them into one.

Calla was trying to kill me?! Why?
Asking why was rather obtuse of me but the last couple of weeks we had been so cordial?

But her water broke at the moment when she was supposed to plunge the knife in my back.
I couldn't move.
I was stagnant in my spot.
After her betrayal, I didn't know whether to strangle or help her?

"Quickly Leo!! Hurry!" She heeled over the bed, wringing and writhed in pain.
"AHHHH!!!" she screams again. "Please Leo" she begs. The pain in her face moved me enough to run to find the doctor.
I force the doors open, running with haste but before I could locate the doctor, I hear a loud BOOM!

A cannon?


And gunshots!
What the hell was going on?


I hear another cannon go off and run faster.

Where in the world was that doctor!

The mayhem and pandemonium was enough to fill me with rage. I push through the mayhem and chaos of the kingdom, determined to find the doctor.
There were children crying and women screaming as I ran throughout the palace but I couldn't focus on that right now. Calla was giving birth right now and my mind was only focused on getting her the help she needed.

"Help! Help!" I push through the people and crowds.
"Where can I find him?" I plead, "Has anyone seen the doctor?"

I see her servant, whose name escapes me at the moment, running frantically through the halls.
"You! You There! Where is the doctor?"

"He was just behind me!" She stops and stares at me curiously, as If I wasn't supposed to be there.
"Wait, why are you alive" she fumes.

"What do you mean why am I alive..." clarity enters my mind as I piece together the delayed responses. "You knew..."I whisper with betrayal. I had no loaties anymore. I wonder who else knew.

"Of course I knew! Calla was supposed to slit your throat. Ughh" she curses impatiently, "wait! where is calla!!?"

"Of course I did! Where is she? Tell me!" She shouts, holding a fist up to punch me.

"She's giving birth..." I whisper through a strained breath, "blood...everywhere.
I need the doctor! FIND the doctor!"

"I'll get him" she gathers her dress and begins to run., pulling my palm into hers. "Come on and make yourself useful for the time being" the woman fumed, pushing through the people, determined to help Calla.


After a few empty rooms and hallways, we finally find the doctor. The doctor comes with his medical bag and a few items.

"The baby is premature." He says, pulling up his sleeves to work. Her servant whose name is Lizabeth is already tending to Calla as she screams with pin.
"Ahhhhhh!!!!" Calla looked so beautiful but frantic. She was frightened of the future.

"Breathe CALLA!!" Lizabeth runs to get a wet rag and presses it against her forehead.

"Is she alright!!
Is my baby alive! Is it a boy?" I blurted impatiently and frantically. I needed the bae to be a boy! He would be the future of Genovia and my only ally.

I hover behind the doctor, asking every question that came to mind. He glares at me and frowns. "Emperor either stay quiet or leave."

"No!!" Lizabeth snaps, dropping the rag into the bucket before walking over to me, "Leave!" Lizabeth pushes me out. "A woman's birth time is sacred and special. It is bad luck for the father to see her struggle."

"It is also bad luck to the assassinate an emperor"

"Goodbye Leo"  She pushes me out the room, slamming the doors behind me.


I couldn't decipher which side of the door I rather be on. Calla's or this side. Seeing the people running and fleeing every which way was a unfamiliar sight. So who was responsible for this?
Calla?! The general? Oslo?
No it couldn't be them. It had to be someone wise and inspiring.
Surely Calla wouldn't be the one to plan my demise.
She couldn't... but the knife in her hand....

And in an instant, rage consumed me.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!!" I hear her frantic screams as the doctor tells her to push.
She was giving birth and here I was, in the brink of a coupe, standing here feeling helpless.

I would not stand idle. I had to find the general. Surely he would stop this

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