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"I feel like we must make headway Lizabeth. Leo's very presence seems to be irking my spirits more and more each day." I say, scratching down a few notes in my notebook. This notebook was the very book that would highlight the coupe to take out Leo however there was one issue with it.

"Empty" I cursed, going over my name with ink again. It was the only thing documented among the pages. Lizabeth walks over and peers at the notes over my shoulder. "It seems that way" she nodded and moved back to resume her duties.

"If we could just recruit one ally. Oslo is a great--"

"Calla not this again!" she curses, folding the sheets that were in her hands. I turn to face her and think of the situation at hand. "We are two women Lizabeth. What can we do?"

"Alot" she retorted, sitting down at the edge of my bed before looking down.

"Think about it Lizabeth, there is strength in numbers. We cannot execute a successful coupe without helo. Oslo will help us"

"And why are you so sure of his loyalty? What if he says no? He will go around and tell Leo then we will both be dead."

"He won't"

"HOW DO YOU KNOW!" she shouted, standing up to face me. Lizabeth was a strong women, never fearing even a bear, but I knew she was scared...scared of what might become of her..or us.

"I just know Lizabeth. Trust me" I whisper, pulling her hands into mine. She tried to look away but eventually met my gaze. "Fine...you are still empress so I must trust you"

"And as Calla?"

"I will still trust you" she smiles, nodding her head to give me her blessing. I hug her and run to slip on my shoes. I could still catch Oslo in the library if I hurried.


A smile erupts onto my face as I enter into the serine elegance of the book room. It was empty, just as I loved it.

My feet move in search of Oslo

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My feet move in search of Oslo. He was the only other intellect that would bury himself so this room could be used as our advantage.

I peered down another aisle and am surprised to see "Donatello?" I whisper. He peels his eyes away from the book in his hand and grins, surprised to see me. "Empress" he nodded, pushing himself off from the shelf behind him.

"I hope I did not distub you empress?" he asks.

"No...No" I nodded, looking down to the book in his hands, "I am just a bit taken back. No one challenges themselves to visit this place except...."

Oh! I had completely forgotten my intentions for coming here. I was too distracted by Donatello and his appearances; I needed to focus.

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