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Lizabeth came the next morning to open my curtains, making sure to let in the sun.

"Lizabeththhh" I huffed.

"Good morning empress! We have much to do today! We have a meeting with the ladies of the court, then you have to meet a few dignitaries and have lunch then the soldiers." she recited.

"Why can't Leo do it?" I grumbled still embarrassed by the event that occurred two days ago. I refused to even walk past Donatello's room, too embarrassed to face him.

"Come on! Up, up!" she pulled off the blankets exposing me to the cold air.

"Fine I'm up! I'm up!" I cursed walking over to the bathroom so she could start turning over the sheets.


I read another book by Athello as she washed my back.

"You know" I said, breaking my concentration from the book in my hand, "I was thinking. Everyone is scared of Leo because they fear he could kil him. They fear him but they do not respect him and that can be used for our advantage." I stated, pushing the book to the floor.

Lizabeth helps me from the waters, wrapping a towel around my waist. "You cannot just kill him though. Even though he is hated, there will be backlash. You must let the people think as you. Win them over with a promise of a new Genovia then—-" Mariel lifted her finger across her neck, making the motion to slice her head off.

I chuckled as she dressed me for the day, powdering the bruise on my cheek. It was almost gone but traces where Leo had slapped me still lingered.

"Strength in numbers is Leo's advantage. He has too many blind sheep and people willing to follow him? His best friend lets his wife fuck him for holy sake? How will you get the people on your side?" Lizabeth asks.

"Hmmm" I hummed, "that is still something I have yet to figure out." I admitted, "But until then at least we have a plan and I have an ally."

"Besides me?" Lizabeth gasped.

"Yes...Oslo" I admitted. She looked into my eyes as if I were deranged and started laughing. "Oslo? Emperor Leo's personal human pet?"

"Do not underestimate him Lizabeth. He is very wise"

"AND he has served in the emperor's court for 15 years. There is a reason he has lasted so long. He shows his loyalty to the emperor"

"But he can help us Lizabeth! I saw the look in his eyes when we met in the library. His eyes were dead... as if there was a light dimmed by hopelessness"

"No Empress. You must not tell anyone! Not even Oslo"


"No one!!" Lizabeth fumed, tying the last button of my corset.

"Fine" I pouted, turning to observe my dress in the mirror. "Where is Donatello by the way... Is he still in his room?" I asked casually, trying not to show Lizabeth my interest.

"I am not sure" she lied.

"Stop lying" I teased her already knowing she took a peek through his door.

"He wasn't in there. I fancy he took a stroll through the grounds or a swim by lake?" she smirked unmistakably.

"Lizabeth you are the worst!" I frowned, closing my dress buckle and looking out the window to the sky.

I couldn't stop thinking of Donatello. Something about him was different? He was not as brash as Leo and certainly more polite on first impressions.

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