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We three ladies walk side by side, smiling and holding our heads high as we pass the people. We were on our way to lunch, then an elegant picnic in the garden.

I hadn't seen Donatello since last night but I knew Leo was keeping him busy. I would seek out for him later.


A splendid lunch came and how effortless we indulged. Ripe melon, bright oranges, and plentiful tea sandwiches. Sarai couldn't get enough, sneaking a few into her dress.
"Sarai we still have a picnic after this" I reminded her. She looked at me with a mouthful of food and giggled. "I will eat more then than I am here" she bragged.


We make our way through the palace, pacing to the garden in bloom. On our way, I see a shirtless Donatello pulling a lengthy vine from a tree.

How convient it was... he seems to have forgotten his shirt.

"Donatello." I smile running over to him. He smiles once he sees me and climbs down, careful to descend on each branch. Before he moves to kiss me I extend my palm and shake it. He was surprised by my rebuff but saw the women coming behind me and quickly understood.

A careless chuckle escaped his chest once he saw Lizabeth in her royal attire.

"Lizabeth, you are looking wonderful." He teased. She truly did look wonderful but the clothes were not befitting to her. Lizabeth was more free and fun and her clothes usually matched this.

"Shut up" she scoffed, fuming at his teasing.

"Donatello, this is my family, my mother and Sarai." He reaches out to kiss their palms turning on his boyish charms. He did it so naturally one forgot he was just climbing the tree like a deranged man.

"What were you doing in that tree?" Sarai chimes, peering up to its top.

"Collecting fruits. I was working on a new tonic"

"Tonic? You make wine?" Sarai pipes.

"Whiskey, spirits" he beams, looking at her before stealing a glance at me. "I actually made one a couple of days ago. I name it after a beautiful empress" he brags. I blush and look away.

"Can Donatello join us on the picnic?" Sarai pipes. I snap my head to her, curious at her more than shameless invitation.
What interest did she have with Donatello?

"Oh thank you for the invitation Sarai but I must finish this project." he rejects the invitation politely.

"Aww... well maybe you can join us for dinner then? Tomorrow night? Surely you will be done by then?"

It seems as if my sister had taken a rather swift liking to him.

"Sure. It is a date." He nodded. She reddened and looked to the floor, gently pushing a palm to her cheeks. I would have been jealous if he were not mine, plus she was just a little girl.

"Well off to the picnic we go!" I announce, peering over to Elizabeth. Elizabeth catches my cue and distracts my family while I linger behind.

Right as Donatello waves them off, he lifts me high, carrying me behind the tree. He dropped me before entrapping me against the bark, forcing me between his arms.

A slow weathered kiss meets my lips as we smack with heat. How calming his warmth was. "Kisses behind trees? Reminds me of primary school" I tease. He smiles, gently running his palm against my jowl.

"A reminder for you. Not I. My schooling was dull and the girls were keen on one fellow who's father owned the treasury in my land. I was an outcast."

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