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Oslo and I are in the library, finishing the latest rules to our manifesto for a new Genovia.

"Item 19:
A free world and trade.
And finally
Item 20:
Free rights, will, and the purisuit of knowledge." I smile, dotting the last letter with my quill in glee. I could feel the spirit of change already flowing through my veins.

"Wonderful empress.
Simply marvelous." Oslo smiles, nodding his head with praise.  He rolls up the scroll he was working on and passes it to me.

"Do you really think so Oslo?"
He beams with pride and nods. "Yes Calla. I do"

We sit in silence, staring at the dimming candlelight. A better Genovia was on the brink.
And we were impatient.

"So tomorrow, you will be empress. The sole empress" Oslo sighs.

I gulp but nod excitedly. I remembered what I had to do. Kill that wretched man named Leo.
I was not one who was keen on murder, but he had done so much; my gauge of morality was not one I was keen on reflecting upon.


"Only 4 more hours" Oslo stands excitedly, facing the door. I knew he was excited for the day to come but must contain himself. He hated Leo more than me and would do it himself if he could.

"Any word...from..."

"No." He frowns, looking towards the floor. I knew he missed Donatello as much as I did. There was a certain calm he brought over everyone. I wished he was here to calm my nerves. I wished for a letter from him or even a sign to show me that he was safe.

"Get some rest empress" Oslo says facing me. "I'll copy the manifesto just in case something happens to the original." He says, guiding me to stand.

"Thank you Oslo." I smile, walking to leave the quiet library but I stop and turn on my heel, turning around to hug him dearly. It was an exchange that was foreign to us but he embraced it eagerly.

"Thank you Oslo." I whisper, for everything.

He returned my embrace and patted my back. "No, thank you empress. For giving us hope."  I break away from my hold and look into his eyes. There were tears in them.
"Go. Goodnight" he whispers patting my palm and leading me towards the door.


I smile, thinking of our pleasant exchange before walking the distance to my room and heading back.
I doubted Lizabeth would be awake at a time like this and even if she was, she was not on the clock.
I had given her two weeks off to rest so she had no obligation to tend to me.

As I am walking the legnth of the quiet hallways, I hear a commotion of some sort. It seemed as if someone was trying to escape?  I peek around the corner and see Leo's friend Levy and his wife Vanessa.
They were arguing about something?

"I cannot betray him Vanessa! He is my best friend!" Levy fumes.

"He doesn't even know your birthday Levy! He has been HORRIBLE! Even going as far as sleeping with me!" Vanessa refutes.

"That's funny, I thought you enjoyed that part" he smirked with sarcasm.

"That's not fair!" She screams. He covers her mouth and pulls her away.

"Shhh!! You'll wake the whole town up! Come on."

Great! I couldn't hear what else they knew but it didn't sound good.
Maybe he knew of the coupe!
I hoped it would not impact the plan for tomorrow.
No matter, as long as I rose early enough, everything should come to plan.

The next morning

I jump from my bed at 6 am sharp, running with glee to start my bath.
Today was the day! It was the start of the coupe and the new day to bring the wave of change to Genovia.
Leo would be dead and I would be the sole ruler of the kingdom.
The fist thing I would do as Empress was bring Donatello back to Genovia! I must.

I rubbed my lotion then prepped my hair into loose curls before zipping my dress to finish.  It was the fastest I had dressed in ages.

I bend low and roll beneath my bed to retrieve the knife; the very knife I would use to kill Leo.
My plan was foolproof! I would entice him in hopes of a quick rendezvous then sliKKICKKKK

Slit his throat.

I practiced the move in the mirror a few more times until I perfected it. Then, I was ready.

All that was left was the signal to Joffre. We had agreed that I would walk past the south s and drop my pink handkerchief. The man from the watch tower would then ring the bell three times which would signal the start of the coupe. The plan was perfect!
Full proof!

But...maybe it was to perfect?

I hear a knock at the door and open it. I am surprised to see the doctor with his bag fool of tools. "Dr. Jude. Is everything alright?" I smile nervously.

"Just fine. Just here to check up on the baby."

"Again?" I smile, signaling him to come inside.

"Leo insists I check on you 24/8."

"I see" I hum, sitting on my bed. He presses a warm palm to my stomach, holding every inch. He held his wooden stethoscope agains my heart then my stomach. "Hmmm...ummmm..mmhhh" he hums.

"Is everything okay?" I look down at him nervously.

"Yes? It seems?" He pushes the cold wood against my stomach again. "No, it couldn't be."

"What? what?" Worry fills my features as I hear his prolonged hums and whispers.

I don't want to put worry into your mind empress." He grumbles.

"Tell me doctor"

He stands and pushes the stethoscope back into his bag of tools. "It seems as if the baby is turned down"

"What does that mean?"

"It means you may not be able to give a natural birth. I may have to cut you open" he explains without soaring details.

"What!" I stand from the bed, holding my stomach with fear. "Cut me open?"

"Not to worry empress! Most baby's breach as late as 9 months. You are 6 months and can soon breach. Please do not get caught on the timeline"

I nodded, taking his word of expertise. "I will try not to worry then Dr."

"I would truly that empress" he pats my shoulder, before grabbing his briefcase to leave.

"Have you spoken with Lizabeth? I haven't seen her." I ask, prying on their tale of love.

"Yes I have. She was a bit under the weather last time we spoke but she will be fine.
She's in good hands." He winks before heading towards the door.

"Tell her I said hello." I say before closing the door behind them. I didn't know why I didn't relay the coupe to him or Lizabeth but I was fearful I might compromise the plan.

Patience Calla.

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