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I head to the library in the west wing of the palace, keen on picking out the books that would fill my new library at the outside woodshed. I enter into the dimly lit room, stepping into the untouched space.

It was a magnificent room; books of every color and binding filled the marble shelves. The room had a sort of charming atmosphere; one could easily find themselves getting lost in time and staying for hours.

 The room had a sort of charming atmosphere; one could easily find themselves getting lost in time and staying for hours

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I run my fingers against the thick bindings of each book, bending down to decipher the title of each work. I am lost in awe turning another corner but soon bump into a warm body. "Oh!" I gasped, holding my chest in fear, startled by the unexpectedness of the person before me.

"Empress! I apologize!" the man announced, bending to show his regret for startling me.

"No....it is fine" I chose my words carefully, curious as to why he lingered in here. No one from Genovia cared to read. All the men were to busy playing tag and whoring around.

"I do not mean to intrude your majesty, but are you lost?" he asks rather bluntly.

"Lost? Why ever would I be lost?" I smile.

"Well, it is just that....no one has been in this room since Leo's father was born" he confesses through a grin. I chuckle hearing the news but shake my head no. "I am not lost. I made the journey to come here" I confessed, taking in the stranger's features. He was quite short, with round rimmed glasses. A golden chain carelessly hung lose from the pockets of his jacket. He looked like a man from Leo's court.

"I thought I'd never see the day" he chuckles, pulling out a book to dust it off, "A woman, reading!" he smiled, handing the book over to me. I carefully take it from his hand and read the inscription on the inside. "In a Season's Night?" I read the title aloud.

"My favorite work by Archibold. Hopefully, you will find approval in its text?" he suggests, pushing his glasses to the arch of his nose. I lift my eyes to face him and smile. He was a nice fellow. I could tell his spirit differed from the others.

"Oh...my apologies your majesty. Oslo" he nodded, taking my hand into his and kissing it. I grinned at his refinement and nodded.

"Calla" I introduce myself to him. He nodded, taking a look over my features before snapping out his trance. "Well... I must be off" he says with a pang of annoyance. I knew he would rather bury himself in a sea full of books.

"Good day Oslo" I nod, allowing him to take his leave. With one final look, he departed and left me alone to ponder our meeting. I continued to take my journey through the unfamiliar room, tucking Oslo's book beneath my arm while peering at the titles of many others. Just as I take out another text I hear the heavy heels of Vanessa.

Do not ask me how I knew it was her.
Okay, fine.
If you must know, Vanessa was set on making her presence known and she accomplished this by always dragging her feet. "CALLA! I have been looking everywhere for you!"

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