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I saw a pic of Theo on my Instagram and here I am 🥰😋

1-2 months later(still in the flashback)

"Donatello?" My mother's voice sounded. I heard her struggling to step over a pile of my empty paint buckets and canvases.

"I'm here mother" I yelled, guiding her to my little nook in the painting room.

"This place is a mess!" My mother exclaims, lifting discarded paint brushes and canvases. "Why don't you take a beak and come and eat? I prepared you some food"

My mother finally came behind me and rested an arm against my shoulder. I knew she wanted my sanity back but I had been restless since my return from Genovia. It had been 1 month? Maybe 2? I had lost track of time, consumed with thoughts of Calla.

I hummed at her suggestion even though she knew I would reject it. I continued painting yet another portrait of Calla. This is how a typical day looked for me. I would wake up and coop away in my workshop, painting a series of portraits of Calla.
My health had declined, my beard had grown shaggy...
Even my sanity had been nonexistent.
I had no clue or information about Calla's wellness or state of being. If she was okay or even alive. I had written letters to Oslo. 7 even 8 but I had heard no response. Leo had probably been intercepting them.

"This painting is even more beautiful than the others" my mother sang her praises, snapping me from my troubled thoughts.

I nodded.

"But painting her will not bring her back Natello" She reminded me.

I ignored her of course. I knew she meant well but I was not ready to dismiss Calla just yet.

"Donatello I am a fan of the empress as much as you are. You gave me no choice seeing and falling in love with her paintings.
All 59 of them" she teased.

"But?" I sniffed, standing and wiping my hands before letting the canvas dry. I knew she was about to start another one of daily speeches.

"Donatello you haven't eaten!
You haven't slept and your friends are worried about you.
I am worried about you"

"I wish you wouldn't worry mother" I chuckled. She lifted my chin, rubbing the stubble with disdain.

"I'll shave it first thing tomorrow"

"That is what you said yesterday" she tisked. She had a light cream shawl that she pushed over her shoulders. The sun was setting and the night was getting chilly.

"I am sane.
I feel fine. You do not have to worry about me"

"Fine... I will not worry today. Clean yourself up would you?"

"I can't promise you that mother" I cursed focusing again on the portrait of Calla. She looked radiant.

"Then at least eat?  I made your favorite dinner"

"Mother I —"

"No! I haven't seen you in a month! You are coming to dinner and that's final!" She fumed, refusing to leave until I said yes. 

"Fine... I will come. For you"

"Good and don't forget to freshen up."


"This must be the famed empress!" I hear the voice of Picazzo. He picked up two of the paintings and smirked. "I understand the obsession" he smirked.

"Who let you past my gates"

"I hoped over them" he confessed as it was an everyday occasion. I chuckled but continued yet another painting. I hadn't captured Calla's aura in the other 20.

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