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We loaded the carriage, Oslo, Donatello, and I. We were on our way to Spain's historic Museo Nacional del Prado. I was excited to see the works of art Donatello had boasted about since his time in Genovia.

The carriage was an elegant one but the space was modest. I took advantage of the situation and seized the opportunity to invade Donatello's space, scooting closer to his figure. Of course, his fiancé was right at my heel, trying her hardest to climb in behind us. I made sure the fabric of my dress sprawled wide, covering the thick velvet seating of the humble coach.

"Oh poo! It seems as if there is no space left!" I forced a frown to my lips.

"But there is space right beside you empress" His fiancé lets out a lazy chuckle. It was so unnatural. I didn't know how Donatello could stand it.

"Oh, yes but this dress material is very expensive. It was imported from the Italian coastline. I cannot wrinkle it, for it does so easily" I pretended to look distraught, pushing a thoughtful palm to my cheek. The more distance I created between Donatello and her equaled more time that I could spend with him alone.

"Well, I can squeeze next to Oslo. Surely he wouldn't mind" she sneered.

"Not at all Laur--OOF!" he winces once he met the force of my foot.

"Oslo is actually under the weather. Did you hear him cough just now? He is contagious! I would trade with you Isabel as I do not want to get sick but the emperor insisted Oslo travel with me at all times. Sorry, Laura or Isabel. Whatever your true name is, it always escapes me" I smirked, sitting tall before looking out the window adjacent to Donatello.

"It is Laura" she sneered beneath a low breath. She probably thought no one could hear her.

"Here Laura Isabel, you take my place" Donatello starts to stand.

"Oh, don't bother Donatello. It will be such an inconvenience and my dress will wrinkle" I gently rest a hand against his chest, pushing him back to his seat. He would not leave me so quick.

How far is the museum from here?" I asked, tilting my head up to stare into Donatello's.

"Just a few miles. Maybe a half-hour. Even less" he explained.

"Wonderful. See, the trip isn't long. We will see you there Isabella!"  I hadn't even tried to be discrete in learning her name. She peered inside, trying to find her way into the stagecoach but before I gave her the opportunity for a closer inspection, I looked at Joffre, signaling him of my impatience. He nodded and quickly closed the door to the cart, leaving the woman standing outside.

The reigns of the horses sound we jerk forward, traveling on our way to the museum.

"Aww...I do hope she finds a way to the museum" I pouted, pretending to be affected by her absence. "How I wish she could have squeezed in here" I cursed, almost making myself cry. Oslo tried to hide his smile. He had finally caught onto how phony my emotions were.

"It is fine empress. She will take another coach. We have been there many times together so she knows the way. " Donatello said before peering out the window. He had been a bit quiet throughout the whole seating ordeal. I wondered what was on his mind?


We passed by some beautiful cottages along the Spanish countryside. The scenery of Spain was so beautiful and modest. The trees were rich with vineyards and pastures full of colorful fruit trees. 

I peer over to Donatello as he continues staring out the window. I scooted a little closer, making sure my thigh was touching his. He had nowhere else to go. I made my palm against his thigh, purposely taking off my silk glove.

"What is that?" I lift myself from my seat, using his thighs as support so I could peer out his window.

He bit his jaw down, trying to remain calm. I guess my contact was too invasive? "That's an Iglesia"

"Iglesia?" I butcher the name with my foreign accent.

"It means church in Espanol," he said, looking back to the church in the distance. I nodded, returning to an appropriate position, pressing my back against the seat.

"Iglesias" I hummer, tilting my head curiously. "I love the way you say it, Donatello. Everything sounds so romantic in Spanish."

He bit back a smile, looking into my eyes then looking away.

"Sir Donatello, what is a phrase I can say when I get to the museum and greet the people? I want to seem cultured"

Donatello holds his jaw and closes his eyes to think.  "You don't want to seem too rehearsed" He leaned back before finally opening his eyes.

"You can greet the people saying Como Estas"

"Coma? Istes?" I butcher the pronunciation, even worse than before.

I could see the corner of his lips turn into a curl. He was trying not to laugh. "No empress, Co-mo" he said, slowly enunciating every syllable.

"Vomi" I say the phrase again. I knew I was mispronouncing the phrase purposely but it was so cute how Donatello tried to help me.

He holds my jaw, gently pushing my jowl before holding my throat, "Feel the syllables as it vibrates against your throat up to your jaw."

He lifts my palm to his own apple so I could feel his vibrations. I prayed he didn't hear the ball in my windpipe that I had just swallowed.

"Como" I felt every syllable as it vibrated against his throat. His eyes were glued to mine, waiting for me to repeat after him.

"Como" I whispered, my eyes glimmered with timidity. I didn't understand why I was heating under his contact.

"Estas" he finished, holding the back of my neck again.

"Estas?" I said it perfectly. The most handsome smile came upon his lips as he heard my progress.

"Muy Bien" He whispered, looking down to my lips.

"Muy Bien?" I repeated after him. I was upset how little Spanish I knew.

"It means good job" he says.

Oslo cleared his throat, not purposely but because he was a little under the weather. He didn't notice our intimate session of tutoring. He was too distracted reading his book.

Donatello and I smile before separating and looking out our adjacent windows.


Author Note:

The campaign to win Donatello back STARTS NOW!!

Working on the next chapter as we speak! It was way too long so I had to cut it short.

godhead [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora