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Donatello and I climb a couple of steps on the side of the hill before reaching the top. He was the perfect gentleman of course, helping me as I struggled, hovering his hand so I could take it.

"Donatello, it's beautiful" I gasped, finally stopping to take in the expansive scenery.
Acres of vineyards painted the vastness of his abode. There were a few servants and pickers who waved to him as he walked along the path.

I had never understood how wealthy Donatello had until seeing his land.
How I wished it could be ours.
I could see a future with our little son or daughter playing in the fields as we brewed wine together.

"Where does it end?"

"From the west mountain to that hill." He pointed, propping a leg against a rock. "Those are the boundaries of my land.... Well, my father's land"

"You do that a lot Donatello"

"Do what?" He smirked, turning his head to face me.

"Give ownership to someone else although it is yours. Your father left the land to you, did he not?"

He nodded and smiled looking to the distance.
A small bushel of grapes tempted my buds. They looked so delicious! I bent to pick a few but stopped ; and looked at him for permission.

"Go ahead." He encouraged.

I take a few grapes pushing them into my lips. He smiled sitting down in the grass, watching me.
I push a few to my lips excitedly.
"Mmmm! It's delicious! Here" I lift a few to feed him but he shakes his head no.

"I'll spoil my dinner empress. " He clues me on.

"Dinner? The painter eats?" I teased him. I knew Donatello was always so busy with his art and wine making I wondered when he time for sustenance.

"When time allows it. Won't you join us?"

"Us?" I stressed him to clarify.

"My mother, my fiancé and I. Picazzo will invite himself of course. Oh! And Oslo if you wish. I enjoy his company"

"Sounds wonderful" I lied through gritted teeth. He still wouldn't let this girl go? I had to act fast so he could ditch the girl.


We sat at dinner, smiling and laughing at things of the nature. His mother beamed as she told me of  all the letters Donatello had written to her while he was in Genovia. Picazzo bragged about the paintings Donatello painted of me when he returned.

"There must have been 50 of them!
He would have made 100 empress if I hadn't hid his paints." We all erupted into laughter. Donatello blushed of course and Laura seethed.

"He was obsessed with you? Seemed as if he had a little crush?" Picazzo teased, hitting his friend in the side.

"Maybe I was just a muse. Da Vinci? Vivaldi. Van Goh? All artists have their muses" I explained trying to lessen the blow of his obsession lest his fiancé curse me to death.

I glanced over but Donatello only pushed a spoon of rice to his lips, wiping them and looking away. His fiancé forced a smile to her lips. She was trying her best to not be affected by the recent news. I knew she hated me, for the grip on her soon was far to tight.

"I am just so joyous to meet you empress. The hype was correct." His mother beamed. I blushed and smiled warmly. She was truly a beautiful woman. She shared some features with Donatello but I could tell he was molded from his dad. His father must have been a handsome man.

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