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Empress? "

I had left Calla in her bath a few moments to groom, but as I returned, she was no where to be found.

"Calle." I had checked the first room, the west wing, the second bathroom and even her wardrobe. She was nowhere to be seen.

I was starting to worry.

My feet hurry to thé balcony. It was where Callaa always went to escape the harsh realities of the palace.

I see her sitting at the edge of the cement railing, looking down to the dismal abyss of darkness below her. Thick tears rested beneath her cheek. She was completely naked, shivering in the cold winds of the night.

"Empress?" I was taken aback; she was sitting so close to the edge.
I walk to meet her, sitting beside her and watching the ground below us. We must have been 1,000ft above the castle grounds.

I must not be brash, but I also knew I must be urgent. She would jump at the gentle temptation of a chilled breeze.
"It would be so easy you know? All your troubles gone in an instant. No more rules not more regulations
No more Leo"

She is still quiet, staring down into the darknrsss. I see her playing with a silver ring in her palm.

"What are you waiting for then?
Do it then Calla. This is not a scene I am privy to. Leo has been married 8 times. What makes you different than them?"

She is quiet but still looks down.

"Every girl has run.
Every girl has escaped and has left the kingdom. The problem still remains.
Leo walks away free and remains alive after they leave. The issue was not them nor was it you.
Your death will only renew an endless cycle of death with no advantages.
Just know, if you do decide to...expire, you allow Leo to win."

"I'm not allowing anything" she cursed. Good! She was speaking,

"You are Calla and not only are you taking one innocent life...you are taking two."
She pushes a hand to her belly, realizing the truth of her reality.

"You say it so calmly. Why don't you go and do it then Lizabeth. Kill him. It was your idea anyway."

I am quiet but nodded. "You don't think I've tried

She looked up to meet my eyes. "I have not been honest."

"Lizabeth... " she instantly regrets her words.

"Maybe I was wrong about you. I thought I saw a flame in you. A spark that couldn't be dimmed. But then I see you here? On the cusp of death?
You are Pathetic.
About to jump to your death because of inconveniences that can be easily fixed"

"Inconveniences I can fix? What can I do?"

"F**k Calla!
You are an empress! You have a power beyond a scope that you don't even try to grasp or explore!
Slit his throat, make a treaty, and be done!
It was so simple. But even that must be to much for you. I suppose you are only book smart Calla."

I hopped off the railing and turned back to the room. I needed to escape the cold. "Well, I guess Donatello and I will carry on without you."

She looked back at me before standing at the ledge.
She was bracing herself to do it.
I knew she wouldn't.

I watched her teeter as the breeze blew her hair wildly. I rolled my eyes before crossing my arms.

"You won't do it"

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