Chapter 33

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1 week later

A week ago we left the military compound with as many things we could possibly carry.

We each had our own individual bags which contained food, an emergency small bag, jacket and water bottles. Unfortunately we all didn't have any other gadgets other than our phone but it wasn't of any use because there was no signal anywhere we went.

We are currently camping by an empty camping site near a forest. I'm sharing a tent with Amelia and Emma while Gloria shares with Genevieve and Lilly . We figured it could be a great way for them to finally become friends.

Austin's sharing with Jake and Tommy.

Dustin with Jerry and Chris.,

We all gathered up for the night before going to bed.

"Okay, guys if we can have a disguise I think we can make it through the gates." Jake said

"What do you suggest?" I asked

"Hair, clothing anything they haven't seen us in." Austin said.

"I haven't changed the style of my hair in years, curly hair can be stressful sometimes." Amelia said.

"Same Amelia, although I think it could be cool to change it after all these years, what do you think " I said

"K, but I will only dye it another colour,"

"Great, I will dye mine too," Emma said.

"Same here, but only the ends blonde ," Gloria said

"Rachel?" Emma asked

"Oh, I think I will straighten it,"

"Cool!" Lilly said.


By the end of the night we all changed our looks as a disguise and I gotta say I sure did like the new look.

Amelia and Gloria had dyed the ends of their hair blonde, while Emma went completely blonde which is actually her natural hair colour.

Dustin trimmed his hair, as well as Chris. Jake dyed the ends of his hair blonde too and trimmed a little. And Austin made most of his hair a dirty blonde colour but the roots were still black and a few more strips and I gotta say he sure did look good.

I still wasn't sure what status we were in now but I'm happy we still are comfortable with each other and our friendship keeps getting better everyday.


We all got in our tents for bed after eating some of the food we brought.

5 mins later....

I kept on tossing and turning I just couldn't go to sleep, my anxiety levels were really high.

"Can't sleep?" Amelia asked beside me.

"Yeah, you?" I asked

"Yep, it's just been hard to lately," she said with a sad tone in her voice.

"Amelia I know we are really in a busy and stressful situation right now but you shouldn't feel ashamed to just let out your emotions. We may be struggling too but I can't imagine what your going through, just know that I'm here for you no matter what."

" We all are! "Emma said getting up.

" Thanks guys, it is very hard but I figured I'd keep it in until we are settled down." Amelia cried out.

" Don't, we're your family now and we will do anything for family. "Emma said.

We all cuddled up in a hug, while Amelia cried out on our shoulder.

Amelia and Christina looked so close even if I had just met them both. I can't imagine losing a sibling, someone you've lived with your whole life.

But she has to remember we're with her all the way.


It was the morning now and I quickly got up to freshen up before everyone else did.

I quickly rushed to the lake not too far away.

Just as I thought I was the only one there I saw Austin half naked swimming in the lake.

As I was about to turn back around, he called me.

"Rachel, you just got here,"

"Yeah, and I didn't mean to disturb," I awkwardly say

"Oh please, come on the water's pretty great."

"I'm not confident enough to swim in lakes, I just came to have a little splashes of water to get myself clean and then leave,"

"HELP!" Austin shouted out

I was a bit hesitant but I quickly removed my clothes only left with my bra and underwear and rushed in to help Austin.

"Austin, Austin!" I shouted out

"Yeah," Austin said popping out of nowhere.

I annoyingly splashed him.

"Hahahah, you really do care about me ha marshmallow."

"Marshmello! Where did that nick name come from?"

"It's a new one I just came up with for you."

"Well pumpkin, It better change soon,"

"Oh pumpkin's a lot worse because I'm even allergic to them anyway," He said

"Well that is a good nick name for you because now I'll remember your allergic to pumpkin."

"K then," He resisted

I saw Austin eyes go down to my body, and that's when I realized what I was wearing was see through.

"Hey, eyes up! " I said lifting his chin up.

"Sorry, I thought you said you can't swim in the lake." he said trying to change the topic.

"No Im just not confident enough, and  how I'm able to do so now is because my legs are literally wrapped around your hips right now and my arms are holding on your neck for my dear life."

"Yeah well your kinda choking me now for the past 5 to 10 minutes."

"Well wasn't it you who forced me to come in."

" K fine but I got to admit your cute when your scared."

"Are you calling me ugly when I'm not." I said jokely trying to cover up my blush.

Austin gave me a quick smile before directing his eyes to my lips asking if he could kiss me to which I nodded.

It was a soft kiss until the next one which lasted a bit longer and until the last and third one which completely sent tickles and butterflies down my body.

"When all of this is over can you promise me that you'll accept my date invitation?"

"Well, why don't we have one now since everyone is asleep,". I suggested brushing my fingers through his wet hair.

"Well if your that desperate," he said jokingly.


Austin helped me loseen up a little and finally let go of him.

We played a little and laughed a little before swimming back to land.

By the time we got out everyone had arrived at the lake but I quickly put my towel on before everyone practically saw me naked because of my see through underwear.

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