Chapter 27

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I got down the tunnel and heard someone crying. I rushed down to see that it was Amelia.

"Amelia, what's wrong, don't worry I'm here now," I said hugging her.

"It's Christina, they've got her, I tried helping her but they hit me and said I should leave."

I noticed Amelia had brutal bruises on her face and hands.

"Where is she?" I asked

Amelia pointed behind the corner, as I took a peek. They had tied her up and getting ready to inject her with something.

As I was about to go help Christina, Amelia pulled me back.

"Don't, you'll just get as hurt," Amelia said

"It doesn't matter, what their about to do Christiba doesn't look anywhere close to good, so I got to go help help before things get out of hand. " I said before leaving towards the officers surrounding Christina.

"STOP!" I said

I got behind one the officers and hit his head but another officer came to me, and hit my stomach, I kicked him back but the third officer hit my back making me fall right to the ground.

Before my eyes started slowly closing, I saw they quickly injected Christina but then, Austin appeared and beat the living daylight out of the officers but before I knew it, my vision had gone black.


"Hey are you okay," someone asked

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Gloria, Emma, Jake, Dustin, Jerry, Chris, Amelia and Austin standing looking down at me with worried eyes.

"Um I think," I answered

I looked around for where I was and it was in Austin's apartment on the couch.

"Why am I here?"

"If the officers see you like this they won't go easy on you, and it's best if they don't know what happened." Austin said


"The officers are already suspicious of you, it's best if we don't cause to much attention to you,"

"Jealous much," I joked while trying to sit up.

"Is your back better?" Dustin asked

"I hope but it still feels a bit painful,"

"Let's see," Gloria said while carefully lefting my shirt from the back.

"It's not too bad, I'm sure you can still stand," Emma said

"Rachel, I'm so sorry this is all my fault," Amelia said tearing up.

"Amelia," I said patting the space next to me on the couch for her to sit by me.

"Your already in a lot of stress and guilt about Christina, don't worry about me okay, I'm the one that left yet you told me not to, this definitely isn't your fault, and don't worry I'll be fine." I said before she came giving me hug.


"Guys, it's almost dinner time, should we head out or stay here?" Jake asked

"Depends are you okay to leave Rachel?" Chris asked

"Nah, I think it would be nice to stay here a little longer, is that okay?" I said

"That's okay with me," Gloria said

"Same here," Jerry said

"Okay great I'll cook something up," Austin said heading to the kitchen.

"Oh no you don't," Gloria said

"The girls and I went to colinary school so we got this, ya'll should head out and get Tommy, Lucus and Lilly from practice and I'm sure we'll be done hopefully when you get back. Right girls?"

"Yep," Emma shouted

"Okay sure Gloria but I don't think Rachel can-

" Oh quit worrying, we're okay and so am I, " I said getting up and chasing the guys out and closed the door behind them.

" They just kicked us out, I can't believe this, "Jerry said from behind the door, which made the girls and I burst out laughing.


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