Everything Is Under Everything - Part 2

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I tried banging the door open once I reached the bottom of the stairs. But it didn't budge.

I heard an officer come closer as I tried opening it. So I tried plan b.

Once he was close enough, I banged him against he wall and quickly took his ID pass and ran out the door.

"Sooorrryyy," I screamed as I was running out.

Before I knew it, I was outside.

I don't know when was the last time I took a good breath if air.

It was silent and the city lights were lit which was an amazing view.

As I ran through the empty streets, I took out the ribbon in my hair. I felt the breeze run through each strip.

The smells of freshly baked bread filled my nostrils as I past the bakery shop across the street.

And I couldn't help but jump in the puddles on the side walks.

This felt amazing, I felt so free than I've ever felt in a long time.


As I saw a tunnel, I noticed there were guards blocking the entry so I did the worst thing I could ever do.

I went through the sewage tunnels along the street.

It smelled awful.

I kept on waking till I saw I way out to somewhere.

As I saw tiniest bit of light, I quickly ran to it but saw it didn't look like an entry but words written out with light flashing through each letter.

'light up the ground'

This probably meant I wasn't even close to a way out.

I looked down in frustration and saw a small handle on the ground.

I tried pulling it but it was so heavy. I looked around for some sort of pulley and saw a mental rod near by.

The slippery ground made it even harder to pull open but I started to think why would they make whatever their hiding so easy to find.

I noticed the pin against the wall, but It was only numbers.

I thought about the first hung that came to mind. I filled in the amount of words written on the wall.

It didnt work.

So I filled in the amount of words for

'Everything is under evertthing'

Beep *

And the handle I was trying to open turned to the right. I tryed opening it again and it opened easily.

Can't believe I waisted all the energy I had left in trying to open it at first when it was this easy, I thought


I went down the ladder and once I turned to see what the room was, it looked like a circular room with one door in front of me.

I took out the key I had and tried unlocking the door.


As the door opened I noticed it was a very thick door almost like the ones made for bank safes.

I hesitantly got in and the door immediately closed behind me, only for to realize I was in a small room with a facial scanner in front of me on the other side of the door.

Did I mention I'm claustrophobic.

I felt myself start to sweat a little in fear.

When I touched the side of the wall balancing myself a little because I felt as if I was about to faint the scanner went on and a blue light ray scanned me.

"Hey pumpkin, it's dad." I heard the room say.

When I looked up, I saw the wall slide open leaving it with a smart screen and my dad's face on it.

"Dad," I said out.

"Its me, I see you've finally found what I've been making all these years and I couldn't be more proud, your just one step away from seeing it.
I wish I could be there to see the smile on your face, and mom's, your brothers faces too. I never had a doupt. Now you see being a Radiate is not a bad thing at all, don't let anyone make you believe otherwise because your a Radiate just like me, and I guess you understand now why I never told you this. I'm sure you still have a lit of questions but just know this place is for you and make it special for those close to you too. I love you pumpkin  and I always will. "

That's when a little me ran over to my dad, followed along by Jordan and Baby Tommy in Mom's arms.

" We love you, and remember Everything is under everything !!! " my mom and dad both said before the video.

I felt myself start to tear up and not because I was sad but relieved.

I've always been dependent on every one for every thing because I thought I couldn't do it myself, but here I am with the greatest reward I could've asked for, one last time to see my dad's face and I the people I care about the most, my family. But now my family has expanded to Gloria, Emma, Amelia, Genevieve, Jake, Dustin, Chris, Jerry, lucus, Lilly and Austin.

And their all the family I could've asked for apart from my own.

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