Chapter 24

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We went to the living room where we found her settling down to watch some TV.

"Uh hi, I'm Lilly," she said when she saw me come out of the room with Austin.

"Um hi my name's Rachel, your brother and I were just looking uh at the sunset from the windows,"

I heard Austin laugh from behind me.

I then gave him a glare.

"You want something to eat Lilly before Rachel and I head out?"Austin asked

" Yeah, but where are you guys going, is it okay if I come with? "

" Yeah it's totally fine, I was actually just about Austin the same thing, where are we going Austin? " I gave a evil smirk

" Well I thought you were going back to your friends,"

"Okay, come on Lilly we can grab some food on the way there from the kitchen," I said while grabbing Lilly's hand with Austin following behind us.

"Oh by the way Rachel I think what you did today was pretty cool at the ring, your like my inspiration because I haven't seen any female beat a guy that hard." she said looking up at me.

I put my hand on my chest, "Thank you so much Lilly, I look up to you too, your brother told me amazing things about you too."

I looked back at Austin and he almost looked as if he had tears in his eyes with a smile on his face.

I love how he just cares about Lilly so much.

"Thank you Rachel," she said giving me a hug.


We arrived at the cafeteria meeting room. We got enough food for all of my friends too.

"Hey guys, I said opening the door to my room."

"Is that food, I'm starving we were waiting for you before we got some food." Gloria came rushing to me and looking at what food we got.

"Who do we got here? " Emma said coming towards Lilly with a smile on her face.

"I'm Lilly," she said letting out her hand but Emma pulled her in a hug instead.

"Aw how cute are you," Emma said

I then saw Jake smile at Emma's action from behind her. They definitely are going to be cute together.

"Hey guys, do you guys want to come along and eat outside of the military compound?" Austin asked

"We can do that?" Chris asked.

"Well as long as you guys are with me, we'll hopefully be free to." Austin said

"Oh I'm in then, what are we waiting for, let's go," Jerry came from behind and squeeshed between everyone to go out the door.

"Hey are you okay now?" I asked Jake as we were walking.

"Yeah, they just patched the bruise up," Jake answered

"Okay, I'm sorry, they said we had to-

"It's okay Rachel, what's most important is that we're both safe and in good health."

" Thanks Jake, what will I do without a friend like you."

"I thought we were Best friends," Jake jokingly said

"You know what I mean," I playfully nudged him.

"hahaha hah," he laughed


"So," Emma came up to me with a huge smile on her face as were outside the compound.

"So," Gloria said with a big smile too coming from behind us

"So," I awkwardly said looking side to side at them

"You were with Austin a bit longer than expected, anything you want to tell us,"

"Um he is surprisingly very neat." I said looking down blushing from the memory of what happened.

"So something did happen," Gloria said when she saw my face.

"Okay okay keep it low, I  will tell you,"

"We almost ki-

" Kissed," they both said at the same time.

" ahhhhhhhhh yeah, although I might be mistaken anyway so don't get your hopes up. " I squeeled

" Uh shush, that's no the point, " Gloria squeeled.

" Then what got in the way," Emma asked

" Liily came home,"

" Oh, well at least you get along with your future sister in law, " Gloria said smiling

"Guys seriously it's too early for this,"

They both started laughing until I also joined in on the laughter.


"Hey guys come check this out," Jake called

We were all standing on a cliff or hill and below was a building almost like a warehouse.

"What's happening there?" I asked

"I have no idea, I've never known about this place," Austin said which made all of us slowing look at Austin totally confused and worried.

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