The Struggle Is Real

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"Okay, hope everyone made it, but you all can see we have this room your currently in which is our meeting room. If you look behind you'll see a score board rating your levels, so once you've reached our highest level you'll be qualified to be in the military," Austin said

" Now I know some of you, well all of you probably don't even wanna be here but you have to be serious with this score board because if within the next 3 months you are still below level 50, they'll be consequences."

" Such as, ". One of the scary officers came and said, " You'll be kicked out of the military complex putting you at risk to attract the virus and you'll be the only person out there because as far as we know we gathered up every human being to our military compounds, so good luck staying out there by yourself.

"There're insane," Amelia whispered to me.

"Can't deny that," I whispered back to her.


"Now, as you look further on your left, there are a couple of rooms for tests that will be done as well bathrooms and," he said while walking, "here is where all the training happens," Austin said opening the the opaque doors.

"Oh my-" Emma said but before she could I finish the sentence I finished it for her.

"Goodness," We said with our mouths open.

It was a large room, very large and on one side there was an Archery section now you can imagine how huge is was, if it was shared with the other sports in the same room.

There was also a sound proof room with another room in it that could hear maybe it was where they monitored our hearing in that room.

On the right was where you practice boxing, you know the dummy statues, before heading to the boxing ring in front of the room.

"They expect us to do that," Gloria said

Thats when I felt Emma's hand tighten mine I even forgot we were holding hands the whole time, I mean can you blame us this was scaring.

"Emma, don't worry," I assuringly whispered to her.

"I know your scared too Rachel,"

"Okay, fine I am but it was worth trying to make you feel better."

"What can I do without you," she said giving me a smile.

"Hey guys, I'm scared too you know," Gloria said

I then took Gloria's hand too and gave her a smile.

"We got this guys," I said to them


There was something about each sport that made me suspicious. The way each sport had to be focused on so much.

Maybe I'm just over thinking it.

"So now that you've all seen each of the sports, let's get ourselves warmed up before we start, and uh Officer Hutson will be taking the lead on your warm up's and will be assisting me in the real activities afterwards, officer," Austin said stepping back for Officer Hutson to come forward.

He was mascular and tall looked very confident and not to mention SCARY.


And apparently very loud.

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