Chapter 22

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"Okay well done everyone we'll continue this tomorrow,"Austin Announced as everyone started leaving.

"You got some skills Rachel," Jake said hugging me.

"Did I hurt you? "

"Absolutely not,"

"Jake, tell the truth, where does it hurt? "

"Okay okay, a little in the stomach but I'm sure it's nothi-"

Before he could finish I lifted up his shirt halfway and saw a small bruise.

"Rachel see it's nothing,"

"Lucky, it could have been worse, don't lie if your hurt next time."

"Jake's hurt," Emma came running

"Forget about Jake, Rachel are you okay? " Gloria said while running toward me in the ring along with the rest of our group.

"Dang Rachel, where you get those moves from," Dustin said

"She just got lessons from me, I taught her too well," Jake said with his hand on his chest.

"Definitely not true what so ever," I said

" No but like seriously Rachel, where did you learn to do all that,"Gloria asked

" Um, nowhere I guess maybe it must have been reflexes? "

" Girl, now we all know that can't be it, " Gloria said

" Well at least ya'll are both in one piece, but Jake let's go get that fixed up, " Emma said hugging me before she went with Jake to the nurse.

" Okay Rachel, now I'm free tomorrow for some lessons, " Jerry joked looking at his watch.

" Guys seriously I really don't know how it happened but, it happened, "

"Let's stop interrogating her and let's get something to eat." Chris said

"Now your talking," Gloria said

"Rachel if there's anything you want to talk about, seriously I'm all ears, we've known each other longer than I can remember, your almost like my sister at this point, just don't be scared or shy to just, you know say what you need to say." Gloria said huggimg me

" Same here, " Jerry said

" Hey make your own speech, " Gloria said

" I love you guys, " I said giving them a group hug and that's when Austin entered the room and smiled when he saw us.

"Sup Austin," Dustin said separating the group hug and going to give Austin a bro hand shake.

"Boys, I'm sure they don't even remember we were just about to get food" Gloria said while we shoke our heads while watching the guys talking with Austin.

"Wanna go on a walk?" I asked Gloria

"Sure, only time we'll ever have girls time around here, I miss our sleepovers,"

"Same, and the amazing cookies we use to make together," Gloria and I laughed and cryed at the same time from the memories.

Gloria and I left the room leaving the boys talking.


Gloria and I walked the empty streets, no sound, no traffic absolutely nothing.

"This feels so weird, there is absolutely nothing here," Gloria said

" Yeah, I mean can you imagine that we're never going back to school, never get to see our families ever again, go to festivals together with Emma." I said

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