Chapter 37 - Sunset

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As we started heading back to our rooms, everyone really looked suspicious. And by everyone I meant my friends.

"Guys! what are you up to?" I asked

"Oh nothing," Emma said

"Same old same old." Amelia said while pushing me to walk faster.

"Hey, um Rachel Johnson, your needed upstairs on the roof top, please follow me." An officer around our age said.

"What's going on, I'll go with her,or she isn't going." Austin stepped in.

"Okay then, follow me."

We went up, and once the officer opened the door, I felt a sense of relief .

The sunset was up, and there were lit candles on the picnic blanket. With pillows surrounded around the trays of food.

Once I turned around to see the officer he had left, and it was me and Austin left. And it suddenly made sense.

Austin said he would come with me because he planned this. I knew I recognized the officer that brought us from somewhere, he was one of the guys who often hung out with Austin at the military compound.

"Are you guys friends," I asked

"Yep, we've been friends since we were kids, bested friend I've ever had, so when I saw him when we got here we spoke for a bit before anyone saw us and I asked him to help plan this out so that I can get you up here without you suspecting what was going on." Austin  said blushing at the end.

"Aww, I didn't know you were this romantic." I said coming closer and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment , well shall we." He said gesturing for us to sit down.

"Wow. I don't know when was the last time I saw a sunset." i said taking a bite out the apple pie.

"I figured since we've been locked up for so long. The sunset was my favourite thing in the world when I was very young, my mum would always call my sister and I, to come watch the sunset."

"Sister!!!,"i said surprised.

" I wasn't very close to my dad, neither was my mom, so when he left he took my sister. And when I got a bit older I found out he sold her for adoption. My mom tried finding her everywhere but no luck. So once she got Lilly with my step dad, we stopped looking I guess. "

"I'm really sorry."

"Ya well, best thing I can do now is keep Lilly safe."


Austin and I spent about 30 mins talking about our childhoods.

"So, Rachel, before we leave, I just want to say thank you, thank you for opening me up to new friendships, and the world. I'm so lucking I meet you because Ive never meet anyone I've liked as much as I've liked you. You are the first relationship I've ever had and your certainly going to be my last if you say yes to me being your boyfriend. " Austin said

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I said blushing so hard.

"Yes I am," Austin said with his face almost red.

"Yes yes yes yes yes, a million yesses." I said going on top of him to give him a huge kiss.

My friends then came up on the rooftop too.

"Ahhhhhhh," the girls squeeled in excitement.

"You guys knew?" I asked

"Yep. And I couldn't be more happier." Gloria said.

"Are ya'll engaged or something. Cause I've  never seen this level of excitement just from someone being asked to be a girlfriend." Dustin said

"Ya she wasn't this excited when I asked her to be my girlfriend." Jake said

"Oh please, that's just because you didn't ask, we just assumed we were dating and then it soon became real." I said.

"Now, would you be more blind enough to see that this could be your chance to ask someone to be your girlfriend." I said while signaling towards Emma.

"Okay then, I know this isn't what you may expect it to have turned out as, but lately, things have been diffirent between us and I am for sure ready for it to be more, if your on board with that Emma?" Jake said talking to Emma.

"Finalllly," Emma said going to kiss Jake.

"Yasss girl," Amelia cheered

"Well then, is anyone else going to confess their secret love obsession for someone?" Genevieve said.


"Okay we better get heading back before the officers come looking for us." Austin said.

"Yeah guys listen to my boyfriend," I said with an excited tone.

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