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"Rachel," I then stood up and went to the front and gave an assuring smile to the group hoping we'll be together, after all I am the first one in the new line.

"Gloria, Emma, Chris, Jake, Jerry, Dustin....

My heart stopped when I realised that Tommy wasn't called.

" Oh and, Tommy and Lucus, "

I then gave the officer a glare because he almost gave me a heart attack.

Tommy came rushing to me looking scared as ever.

The new guy Lucus almost looked Tommy's age. At least he'll have someone to hang out with other than listening to our grown up conversations.

Austin came over to our line and said, "Hello everyone, I'm Austin and I'll be monitoring your room,"

I felt a sigh of relief go through me, I was too scared of the other officers.

Emma and Gloria then have me a nudge to the side with the exact same look Gloria and I gave Emma back at school.

Crazy to think we might never go back there again.


We followed Austin to the room almost for like 10 minutes at this point.

My steps tracking app will be very satisfied with me today

I noticed a few other groups for the other rooms came in this section as well.

It had dungeon looking doors. Okay maybe I'm overacting a little bit but it definitely looked seiled. But I have to admit it for sure looked more fancy than prison doors.

"Here's your room but before you get in, here are your tags and I'll be putting a tracking device on your neck it might hurt a little but only for a few. " Austin said

We all stand in a proper line because we all mumbled up on the way because of the conversations we were having.

We all got name tags almost like locker key chain thing that goes around your neck.

Emma was the first to be tracked,

"Ow," she said

"Did it hurt?" Gloria asked

"OK course it hurt,"

"My bad," Gloria said

We all laughed


It was my turn now, everyone seemed to do okay so I wasn't that worried.

I was very mistaken

"Owwww," I said while slowing falling to ground in pain.

Austin then picked me up bridal style and said the entire group should all quickly get in the room.

"Close the door." he quickly said while laying me on the bed.

"what's wrong with her," Jake asked worriedly

"Can't risk anyone seeing her," Austin said clearly not answering the question.

"WHY?" Chris asked annoyed

He staredt saying to me, " Breath, Breath Rachel,"

I slowly calmed down and the pain eventually went away.

"How'd you know my name?" I said while trying to get up.

"Your name tag," he said smiling almost breathless with relief in his eyes.

Before I could say anything next...


"Keep it low." he looked at me before saying hesitantly, "There, are, just certain people who react that way to it,"

"We can clearly see that, but why her?" Emma asked

"Look this is something very confidential that Rachel probably has figured it out by now," he said looking towards me, "And if anyone finds out about this and I mean anyone she will be in great danger. Look-" he started sitting down beside me signaling everyone to sit down too.

"The Government purposely put some syrum in there so that they can easily spot certain people and basically, um...

" Kill them, " I said looking down because I knew exactly what he was talking about, Radiats.

Even though Austin seemed like a good guy I didn't really know him.
So for him to now I'm a Radiate puts me in so much danger.

"But don't worry I promise I'll make sure they won't," he said looking to me.

RadiatingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin