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The next day we all went for testing and questioning. We were apparently going to see how much of a Radiate we actually were, and depending on our result they would either kill us or use us as cheap labor.

I seemed really calm even though, this may be the end for me but I was feeling very hopeful.

As we went through the hall way, 3 officers passed us holding a huge ancient box.

Very suspicious, and old. I wonder what they were going to do with it.

"Hey Rachel, where's Austin?" Tommy whispered.

"I don't know."

"I heard his uncle asked him to do officer duties again." Jerry said

"They came in our room early this morning and said they needed him so they took him." Dustin said

"And you haven't heard from him since?" I said a bit stressed.

"I'm sure his okay, don't worry." Chris said.


As we arrived in the auditorium, each person was told to go one by one on the stage and their results will be shown on the screen in front of everyone.

One person was taken up, she was 30% a Radiate, and they rushed her into a room and she never came out.

"Oh no guys I can't do this," I said suddenly losing hope.

Once they called my name up on the stage, I felt my heart pumping out of my chest.

I slowly went up on the stage and behind the littlest opening of the curtains I saw Austin and his friend from the military compound.

What was he going to do?

"Rachel Johnson, answer these questions truthfully or you may be used against your will." the officer said

"Are you a Radiate and if so how long have you known for?"

I looked around the room and saw every officer intrigued to what I was going to say.

"Yes I am and I've known since I was 7 years old." I answered

The crowd immediately went into a moment of shock because people started whispering. And worst of all i can't even imagine how my friends feel knowing that I've kept it from them for that long.

"Okay," the officer said.

He then injected me and tested my blood, which took less than a second to get the result back, faster then any other person before me.

Others typically took 10 to 15 mins for the result to come back.

"100%" the officer announced.

This made even more people start to whisper than before.

"Rachel, how did you know that you were a Radiate?"

"Um, I guess one day I saw the news about what Radiates are and how they are like and I guess that's when I realized I had all the senses." I truthfully said.

"The only other person to ever have a 100 percent result was the first ever Radiate to be discovered which was more than a hundred years ago."

"Do you know this person Rachel?" the officer asked.

"No, I never knew this till now."

"The legend says that the next person who will ever have 100% result is the official family member of the person first discovered. YOU RACHEL ARE PART OF THE LEGEND OF RADIATES, and today you've made history, because people have been searching for the family related to the Legend of Radiates for decades now. "

After the officer said that, I suddenly recall the time when my dad told me about the Legend of Radiates. And he told me only when I was 8 years old, but I remember the public first announced about the legend of Radiates long after my dad disappeared. Which means he knew we were the lost family that everyone was searching for the whole time.

So my dads side of the family was a part of the legend which soon past on to his family, Me.


"The legend says the second born of the new generation of the Legend of Radaites would be a Radiate. Radiates soon spread to people outside of the family which soon led to why there are Radiates outside of the Legend of Radiates." the officer continued.

"The question is where is your older sibling, because you have to be a second born? "

For some reason I thought of the officer who led Austin and I up on the roof. At the time I wondered why he looked so familiar but now I realize it wasn't from when I saw him at the military compound I recognized him from since we were young kids.

"I don't know," I lied because he would have said something to me if he wanted people to know he was my brother.

I then saw him mouth out the words, 'thankyou' i guess he knows I know now.


"We have to keep her, she will answer all our questions about Radiates, take her away!" Officer Blade instructed.

Austin and my new found brother, rushed out of the curtain and said they will take me back to my cell.

"Are you okay?" Austin asked and kissed my forehead while walking really fast.

"There's an ancient box, that the military found, I figured that it might have been left for you, because of what they said about your family in there." Austin said

"Okay where is it?"I asked rushing.

" Right in there, " he said pointing to the room we were going in.

" We have to hurry up because they said their going to burn the whole box up. " My long lost brother / Austin's military friend said.

" Um, what's your name by the way?" I asked

"Jordan, nice to finally meet you," He answered

"Nice to meet you too."


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