Chapter 32 - Austin and Rachel

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I ran to the highest point of the building, the roof top.

When I got up I observed the nature, the sunset was going down now. It gave me a sense of calming sensation.

I sat on the edge of the building dangling me legs between the railings.

I had never took time and just kept quiet and thought about my future. I felt like I had no one. I hurt the most important people in my life. Now I was going to be a failure to my dad.

I felt my tears dry up as I just watched the view of the tress and mountains and at a distance, The Gate.

I felf the breeze hit my face I untied my hair and let it feel the wind too.

"Its a bit chilly to be out here alone," Austin said coming to sit beside me.

"Well nature is the best thing for me right now."

"It's not the end of the world, they were right, you guys are best friends you have gone through everything together I'm sure that you guys will with this too," he said

"Thanks Austin." I smiled at him.

"Oh wow, I haven't seen your curly hair untied before, it suits you."

"Thanks, it's nice to feel the wind in my hair once in a while."

"Well I think it's a great style choice," he said tucking some of the hair behind my ear."

"Have I ever told you how cool your eyes look and how they always change colour?"

"Well, I sure did guess that considering the amount of times I would see you staring into them," he said and laughed

"Hey," I punched him laughing awkwardly because of how embarrassed I was.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked


" Why didn't you tell the officers I was a Radiate, I mean you knew long before I told you so why?"

" Because your Rachel, the funny, charming, beautiful, smart, and the Rachel  with the adorable laugh and the brave hard worker, the person that would do anything for her family and friends, the person who didn't tell her friends she was a Radiate to protect them. There was something special about you the moment I saw you looking totally confused in the hallway about to get tested."

"Oh don't remind me," I laughed at the memory.

Austin and I laughed until there was complete silence but us only staring into each other's eyes.

I saw his eyes slowly gaze to my lips and then back up, he slowly leaned closer he looked at my lips again but didn't move his gaze away from them this time.

And then within a second our lips were connected, his lips were cold guess he wasn't joking about how cold it was but they were still gentle and soft.
That's when I remembered how long it was since I put chapstick on.
But I still felt butterflies instantly flood my stomach.

We finally disconnected our lips only to look at how breathless we were after what just happened.

We smiled at each other in silence but it definitely wasn't awkward this time.

We kisssssseeeddddd.

"Your my first kiss," he said

"Well then, your pretty good at it," i said.

"My uncle never let me just be a normal kid."

"Well, I guess this is the chapter for yourself without your uncle."

"Our chapter," he said and went back in for a kiss again.



"Are you ready to head back?" Austin asked after a while of us talking.

"What if they don't forgive me?"

"My only advice is to be the Rachel that they know and love,"

We got up and went down hand in hand. Which was very comforting considering how scared and nervous I was because I was about to speak to them.

We found them in the meeting room getting ready to eat dinner.

It definitely was weird to be in there without tons of people inside.

I slowly went up to them replaying the words I was about to say to them.

Austin let go of my hand and went to sit by them as I was about to speak.

"Um, I'm really sorry guys, we've been through everything together and you know how much you guys mean to me, your like family and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you guys about my secret, I just wanted to protect you guys, I've heard stories of people being put in dangerous situations just because they knew that someone was Radiate and I just didn't want to be the cause of that to you guys, I'm really sorry. I'll understand if you guys need sometime to process everything but thank you for listening."

" It's okay Rachel, we at least now know your intentions for hiding it from us. " Dustin said

" And your like our family too," Emma said coming to give me a hug.

As everyone admitted to forgiving me Gloria was the only one left.

"Gloria, I'm really sorry!"

"Sisters stick together, even though we aren't genetically. I can't imagine what you went through all these years, feeling excluded, different and scared but you still wanted to protect us, and for that I have to forgive you." she said before I ran to give her a big hug.

" Thanks guys, "

"No thank you," Jake said

"So, I guess since we're doing the confessing thing I better tell you guys that I'm a Radiate too," Austin confessed.

"No way dude!" Jerry shouted.

"Now you guys are totally meant for each other than before." Gloria squeeled.


"We saw you guys up on the roof, we wanted to speak to you but then we turned around when we saw you guys were a bit busy," Emma said with a huge smile on her face.

"Well for us who have no idea whats going on, can you at least demonstrate what Emma is saying," Amelia said with a wink at the end.

Before I could deny what they were saying, Austin pulled me into a kiss.

The girls cheered louder than they normally do at the football games.

"Okay, okay okay, so when are we going bridesmaid shopping," Gloria joked.


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