Graduation Day

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Our teachers rented some limousines for for 8 people each so it was perfect for Jerry, Jake, Dustin, Chris, Genevieve, Emma, Gloria and I to take.

The others had to leave earlier than us to get good seats before it got crowded.

The closer and closer we got to the venue made me more nervous and excited at the same time.

I can't believe this is happening, I remember the first day of highschool.

Gloria, Emma and I were dropped off by my mom and Emma's mom in the passenger seat and we got the most cringiest first day photos in front of the school as everyone passed us.

And when we finally walked into the school, there were these guys making fun of us but then Jake and the boys came up and punched the boys right front of us.

First day of detention for them, but then we defended them when we arrived in the office in front of the Principle.

We thanked them they thanked us and we became best friends forever, leading us to also become the most popular kids in the school.

Everyone always said they admired our friendship, no matter how much people wanted to tear us down ( *cough cough * Genevieve) we always stuck by each other's side.

And now here we were still the bested of friends and Graduating together. I couldn't ask for anything more.


"Rachel Johnson," the conductor called me up on the stage to receive my diploma.

Ahhhhhhh I graduated.

As my friends and I were up on the stage, Amelia, Austin and Jordan cheered so loud to the point where they grabbed everyones attention.

"Woooooo!!! Those are my best friends," Amelia cheered standing up along side Austin and Jordan.

"That's my Sister and my best friends !!!" Jordan cheered

"Thats my girlfriend and my best friends too!!" Austin cheered.

They looked so embarrassing with their signs held up in the air but I loved them for it.

Because those are my best friends.

And we're all Radiating than ever.


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