Chapter 45

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It's been a week now, and things have really changed in just seven days.

The citizens of the City decided to govern me as Head ruler of the entire city because they trusted me enough knowing that I'm a Legend of Radiate and that I deserved to be a city manager and mayor for as long I shall live.

It's crazy because I never thought this would ever happen in history and not just because I'm a Radiate but because I'm only just 18 and only starting a new path now.

My friends are my biggest supporters ever. I remember them chanting at the ceremony I was first announced at for being the Madam major.

And the first thing I did as Head ruler was to name the city, and I let each citizen choose what they would like and I ultimately choose the best one I saw.

'Johnsonville city'

This name was in honour of my Radiating lagacy as a Radiate and the first founders of the city, my family.
So it felt right to name it after my Surname.

And for the 'Underground city' that my dad and other Radiates built. I decided a name with my brothers.

' EIUE CITY' also known as Everything is under Everything city.

( 'Euie' is  pronounced  as " I - U ")


My friends and I were all getting settled in Euie city. And yes, I did let them stay with me, because they've been on the journey to find this place with me no matter how much I sounded crazy for trying find something we didn't even know. And also just because the're way too many rooms for just Jordan, Tommy and I to live in, because my dad did after all build it for us.

We all headed to dinner that day in the dinning room after having our first night in our bedrooms.

Lilly and Lucus didn't have their own rooms. So initially I planned to stay with Liily but Amelia insisted that she was okay with her staying in her room.

And for lucus, Jerry volunteered for him to stay in his room.


"Guys, what are we gonna do about school, we've missed so much of our syllabus including a lot of kids nowadays" I said when we were done eating.

"Start the year over?!" Amelia said

"No way!" We all said

"You can easily say that because you graduated highschool last year." Genevieve said.

"Yeah but I still am in my first year of University too, so your not alone in this." Amelia said.

"But remember, I'm not the only one here whose not in highschool, what about Austin and Jordan, they're like in their last year of University or something," Amelia defended herself.

"Second year," Austin said.

"Yeah, we're only 20, and I'm pretty sure Austin and I aren't smart enough to skip two whole years," Jordan said

"Speak for yourself dude, I got more A's than you last year." Austin said

"But he does have a point, right?" I said

"True," Austin said.

"Maybe we can step up our game, study all night before the end of the year," Emma said

"Yeah we do have 6 months before we have to graduate anyway," Gloria said

"Okay, so that's our final decision," I confirmed to everyone.

"Yeah, I guess we can do that," Jake said.

"Sure," Dustin confirmed

"Okay, I'll tell Aunt Sarah to confirm everything, after all she is the deputy mayor." I said

"When will you announce to the city?" Tommy asked.

"As soon as possible, we can't afford for time to pass any longer."


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