The Test

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Austin's POV

She had dark curly hair, sleeked to the back and tied in a bun. Her eyes were a mix of green and brown.

I never loved hurting people, putting them in danger, but my Uncle never listened. No matter how many times I tell him he never does.

My uncle raised Me, my younger sister and and cousin.
I still don't know how my sister copes with my cousin and I especially because she's the only girl in the family.

My parents and Aunt passed many years back so my uncle was kind enough to take my sister and I in as his own.

I always try to show my sister pictures of my parents, she was too young when they passed to even remember them. It's the least I can do.

Everytime I do though I try so hard not to tear up, as her older brother I have to look strong for her because if we're both looking miserable it will be a disaster.

Her name's Lilly she is 10 years old, she gets stronger and stronger each year. Without growing up with your parents we get use to being more independent as we get older.

But... I always feel as if I'm failing her, even though I'm turning 20 this year deep down I'm still trapped in the passed. It's hard just to let go, you know.

People look up to me especially now that I'm going to work along side my uncle as deputy head Official it's just a lot of pressure.

My cousin, David is head of his own department in another country after he went off to college his been working hard to be in the military from the help of his father, so his been doing both college and the military. Still don't know how he does it though.

Seeing everyone move on can be hard but I've learned how to cope, the only thing stopping me is my uncle. Because being in the military is something I enjoy but being Deputy head is something I don't want to be I just can't. I'm already in the top department looked up to by everyone including those older than me and that's all I want to be not anything more. Mainly because there're taking it out of hand putting innocent people in danger.
I couldn't do it to her I just can't because just by looking at her feels different.


Rachel's POV

I laid back on the chair and then a second later I felt a sting go into my neck.

I felt dissy for a few seconds.

I looked to the screen almost felt as if I was looking at a 3D movie almost as if I was in it of course without the glasses because the screen definetly looked different this time than before.

I heard a sound very soft but I of course I heard it very clearly. It said repeat what I say but I acted as if I didn't understand. Only problem is I'm horrible at acting. It went on for 2 minutes straight trying to get me to say it but I kept on saying a bunch of gibberish like I had no clue.

The next test was that there was someome young in front of me someone scared, out if nowhere I felt her fear, it was hard for me to think that it was a test because it felt so real. I started walking towards her my conscious told me not to but I didn't listen, as I reached her I was able to hug her for 1 second until I dropped out of nowhere and I saw someone try to come and punch me. I saw it in slow motion that's when I came back into reality and let the person do it because I couldn't risk it any more of them finding out than I'd already done with the previous test.

It suddenly went black.

I slowly opened my eyes scared to see what was the next test but I realised I was done and he was there. He looked scared, scared for me I could see through his eyes.

He gently grabbed my hand and back and helped me up.

"You okay?" he asked

"Yeah that last one scared the living daylight out of me,"

"hahaha at least your fine,"

"Wait you saw it?"

"Yeah I saw everything on the screen, almost like I was your eyes I saw everything you saw but I couldn't see you."

I had a sigh of relief knowing that he didn't see my horrible acting.

"But on the final test we'll get to see 360° view, meaning we'll get to see you and what your seeing as well."

Then I got disappointed real quick.

"Oh really," I said disappointed, "and uh what's this final test for?"

"The final test of being in the military. We, well they need an army against the Radiats because they are apparently the cause of all of this, the virus and all," he said annoyed

"Oh how are they so sure?"

"They say ever since Radiats were being found out the virus started coming, got worse killed billions maybe even trillions to the point where we are the only city standing at this point."

"Oh, wow I knew we were the only city remaining but I didn't think it was because of the virus."

"Me too, but I guess we have to follow orders right,"

"Um, yeah," I said hesitantly


"Let me help you out," he said

"Am I good, like I'm not into trouble with the officers?"

"If you are they'll have to deal me first, but so far you seem to be on the clear."

I felt myself blush

"Ok good,"

We got out, talked a little, laughed a little. Crazy to think how you can know someome within minutes.

"This where your friends probably are,"

"Oh ok thanks, your not coming in? "

"Nah, gotta catch up with duties."

"Oh, go ahead leaderboy," I said and patted him on the back.

"Oh have you forgotten you were the leader of your school too,"

"Yeah but it's different, I wasn't for the  GOVERNMENT,"

"Ok ok, you win this time," he said.


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