Chapter 1

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With a global pandemic going on around you wouldn't expect it to be the least if your worries, but that exactly what happened in Rachel's mind.

Reason being is because Rachel is a Radiate.

Radiate. The most hunted down discovery for decades.


The last city remaining. This made Radiates an even more target for the government because now they were all in one place.

Everything got destroyed, the Infections got worse, Radiates were in danger.

Not the typical future you would hope for.

But with with the help of Rachel's family she was able to make through it all.

Thanks to her family, she has hope they all have hope.

And now it's up to Rachel to figure out what that hope actually is.


Rachel lived a normal life. The best way for no one to find out about her identity.

She is in her senior year of Highschool and has the bested friends she could ever ask for. But everything changed in her life on one night when you would least expect it.

And she had to find a way to fix it......

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