Chapter 40 - Everything Is Under Everything

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After dinner in the hall, I decided to tell the girls about Jordan.

But it's  kinda hard to prove that his my brother because I don't even have any evidence.

The only thing I have is the memories of him when I was younger.


" Okay guys I have an insane theory."

"We're listening," Gloria said as everyone came and sat by me.

"I think I know and have possibly meet my brother in the last 2 hours."

"I think it's Jordan,"

"Who's that?" Genevieve asked which made me remember that they actually never knew his name.

"Wait, the military dude, his the only other person we've met so," Amelia said

"Yeah, his my brother's closest friend." Lilly said

"Yep, but I don't know how to confront him about it yet, especially because we don't really have time to ourselves anymore."

"Don't worry, we'll come up with something, In the mean time you got to figure out how to stop Blake." Emma said.

"Yep, and I have a plan, when I was on the last floor in the building today. You'd expect for there to be nothing underground right." I said

"Yess," Genevieve said

"Well when we first arrived and we were outside, the ground almost had an echo to it and even on the last floor in this building there sounds like there's something underground this entire city. And I'm going try to get to it, tonight,"

"Alone?" Lilly asked

"To make no one notice, I'll have to go alone. I'll try going down the basement and hopefully escape through the vent that leads outside, and I'll go through the tunnel we saw earlier, hopefully that leads somewhere."

"Okay but be careful we'll keep an eye out for you, and we'll meet you there later." Amelia said.

"I will."



I makes sense of what my dad was trying to tell me.

He must have built the underground city with the rest of the Legend of Radiates many years ago.

I quickly got changed and started to head out of the vent under my bed.

"Rachel!" lilly called before I could go.

"Please come back safe, I've never seen Austin this happy in a long time, and I've never been more happy to call you my Future sister in law. Please be safe."

"My mission all along is to come back to all of you, and I promise I'll complete that mission." I said I and gave her a hug before leaving through the vent.


At the end of the vent I got out once I reached some stairs. I had never seen this area before, it was dark and silent.

I quickly walked down the stairs, trying not to make noise, but then I heard some guards head up in my direction.

I went in the room that was nearest to me, and waited till they left.

"Wait!" A lady shouted as I was heading out, but I ignored her and ran  out the room as fast as possible.

I could still hear her running after me.

"Stop, NOW!"

And I felt her grab hold of my arm.


"Please let me go, I'm innocent, please," and once I finally had the courage to turn around, I saw it was the lady that was being shouted at by Blake when we sneaked through the vent.

"Hi , I'm Sasha Johnson, Blake's Wife."

"So your my aunt?"

"Yes, it's nice to finally meet you," she said before a little girl came and hugged her legs.

"And this is Sarah, my daughter and your cousin ." she said as she was picking up Sarah from the ground.

"HI, what are you doing up so late!" I greeted Sarah, " Is this where you guys stay?"

"Yes, Blake and I aren't doing great right now."

"Oh, I'm sorry,"

"No worries, would you like to come in?" she asked

"Uh sorry but I have to rush out quickly,"

"Your going underground arent you?"

"Um, how did" I said shocked

"They figured it out and their going early morning which is in a few hours, so you have hurry up on whatever your planning." she warned

"OH okay, thank you so much, bye ," I said and quickly left.


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