Chapter 30

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"Everyone, pack your things and be in the meeting room in 30 mins."

We quickly got washed up and dressed.

I think it was time for me to tell my friends about my secret. I think it is the best decision. I had told Tommy though that I was finally going to tell them so he wouldn't have a heart attack.

"Hey guys, before we go, can I tell you something first."

"Yeah sure, what's up? " Jake said.

"Um, I've been like this for years, and I just couldn't risk telling you guys because I didn't want to put you guys in danger, but I think it's finally time so here it goes -

" Everyone down Immediately," The officer shouted.

" Come on you'll tell us Later, promise but for now let's hurry up," Gloria said grabbing my hand with her necessities in the other.

Guess I'll have to tell them another time then.


My Friends and I spoke last night about whether we were going to escape or go with the military. We chose to go with the military, just because we had no where else to go, and they were our only hope to civilization at this point.


We were going to be injected with a syrum before getting in the trucks. I was pretty scared but Austin gave me the bottle of liquid that he used to help me last time.

I drank it before I arrived at the front of the line.

" Rachel, " The officers called

I slowly went out of the line and went towards them in the middle of the room with eyes on me.

I bunch of other people were called although I was the only one in my friend group.

I went to the centre of the room, they tied my hands together with a rope. I looked ahead of me and saw Uncle Blade smirking on his face. What was going on?

Suddenly I saw a slap come to my face   but I dodged it.

"HEY! what are you doing? Jake said coming towards me rapidly along with the rest of my friends.

" Stay back! you don't know who she really is," The officer said with the other officers stopping my friends.

" Oh, we definitely do know her more than you do," Gloria said with an angry tone.

"Let her go Now!" Emma shouted with a scary look on her face.

" She is dangerous you don't know what she can do and is capable of doing. She's been hiding her true self from you, clearly since you have no idea what I'm talking about, "

Suddenly the same officers that hurt Christina came towards me.
I tried letting loose of the rope from my hands but it was too tight.

"Rachel run Now!" Amelia shouted, because she knew who they were too and what they were going to do to me.

"We'll meet up along the way, don't worry," Dustin shouted as I started running.

Where do I go?

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