Chapter 59: My Sweet Little Prince

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The gunshot was wrong.

That was the first thought I had.

The gunshot was wrong, it sounded wrong, it echoed too much.

And then there was yelling, so much yelling, but my ears were ringing and everything felt numb but it was so painful and I was flying with the stars and I smiled as it all turned into darkness.


Déjà vu.

Fluorescents flashing by above me as I groaned in pain.


Hands covered in blood.

More lights.

A needle.

Why does my skin feel so alive?

My name being called, so many miles away.

I can't feel my body.

I don't want to feel my body.

A steady beeping, and everything hurt.

Please tell me this isn't hell.

Why does it feel so familiar?


FBI! Russel Steele, you're under arrest!"

A crash, and I was chasing after him.

He's on the ground, and my gun is pointed at him.

Suddenly it's me on the ground and him above me but his face is flashing, becoming hers, the girl we didn't know about.

"They're rescuing the kids now," she mocked, "You didn't have to hurt them."

And then, not of my own accord, I said my next words with her, "No one else has to get hurt."


I stood alone at the small dais, dressed in the lacy tunic and skirt I'd worn when I collared Spencer. I heard the echoing of footsteps.

His footsteps were crisp, echoing against the hard floor, as he came into view. Spencer was dressed in a thin white robe, one that covered more than the one he'd worn on our wedding day. His eyes met mine as he approached.

"Spencer," I whispered, "What's going on?"

"I warned you," he sounded detached, "I told you, and I told you again on our wedding day. Today."

"And I told you that I would do anything if it meant saving even one life."

"It's going to hurt either way, you know," he ignored me.

I blinked. "What are my choices?"

"The options that there always are. You live or you die."

"You're not him," my voice shook, "You're not Spencer."

"No." He agreed.

"Why are you pretending to be him?"

"Does this not make you more comfortable?" He asked, "Would you prefer someone else?"

"Let me go back to my husband, please. I don't want to be here."

"It's so much happier here, though, you can lose all the pain and stay here."

"No." I stepped down to look him in the eyes, "Let me go back."

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