Chapter 58: What She Needed To Do (Spencer Reid's POV)

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"You'll need to take off your bracelet, I'll hold onto it."

Your voice stung with pain, "Spence..."

"What?" I couldn't look at you, "It just makes sense, you need to take it off, it's too suspicious."

"Spencer, I know you don't like this, I don't either." I hated your calm tone, "It's what makes sense for the case."

I snorted, hating your words, "You hated when Hotch said that about Deanna, why is this different?"

You responded, your tone matching mine, looking directly at me. "I'm an adult, she's 16. I'm an agent with the FBI. I'm going undercover."

I sighed, sitting, "I don't like it. What about the kids?"

That was the wrong thing to say. "You think I haven't thought about that? You think my first thought wasn't 'What happens to our children if I get hurt?' I'm terrified, but I need to do this."

I closed my eyes, knowing you were right. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I know, but you can be on the team assigned to my bar, and you'll be able to track me."

I was so close to crying, "What if he notices? What if it goes wrong?"

"It'll be okay, Spencer, this is routine." You kissed me, softly.

"I love you," I leaned on your shoulder, breath shaky.

"I love you too."


I hated taking the bracelet off, I hated the weight around my wrist.

This is yours, this is our mark that I'm yours.

You pulled me into a kiss, "Be safe, okay?"

I almost laughed at the absurdity of it, "You too. I love you."

I don't want to be wearing this. Take it back, please.

Come back to me.


I ran into the bar, frantically searching for you.

"Spence?" You pulled me aside, "What's going on, why are you here?"

"He took Emily." At least it wasn't you. "We need to go, now."


We split up. I went with JJ and Hotch, while you went with Morgan. We found nothing, dust and more nothing.

"Hotch," your voice came over the radio, echoing down the empty halls, "We found the girls, and Emily, but there's no sign of the unsub."

"Got it." Hotch answered immediately, "Radio medics to your location."

"I want to go to her," I looked at Hotch, "Tell me where she is."

"It's not safe, we're going outside. We don't know where the unsub is."

"She's my wife, unsub be damned!" I spat.

"Spencer Reid, out, now."


Before I could process what was going on, Morgan and Emily were running out with two other people, the handed the girls off to the medics. I looked up, a question on my lips, when Morgan slammed me roughly against the nearest car.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed.

His cuffs were out, and around my wrists, and I couldn't move, the car was locked.

When The World Stops | Completedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें