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Third person's pov


That's all the boy felt. He could no more feel the pain due to the uncomfortable position he was left in. His throbbing head ache has finally stopped, or more of he couldn't feel it anymore. He didn't know if it was day or night. Didn't know how long he's been locked up in that small, smelly cell. He didn't know why he was being held captive. 

He was waiting. Not for his Knight in the shining armor to come, but was waiting to know. He expected something like being abused or sold to some Omega dealer. But, No. Nothing of that sort happened.

Ever since he gained consciousness, he had been tied to a pole, in a small smelly room that resembles a dungeon. And the only one visited him all this time was a tall man, in his mid twenties, a vibrant plum color hair. 

He fed the boy himself, never once removing the restraints. He spoke in a tauntingly sweet manner, giving nicknames that made the younger feel sick to his stomach.

"Hey, princess" he entered the cell, cooing at the blue haired Omega. The boy just sat there, staring at the floor. But, he was pulled back by his hair making him hiss in pain.

"When I greet you, you greet me back, baby" He growled.

"H-Hello" the younger rasped, his voice hoarse.

"Good boy" the plum haired male let go of him. "I'm here to tell you a good news" He chuckled darkly.

"Y-Yes?" the boy asked not wanting to provoke the latter.

"You're going home. Soon, Taehyung" Taehyung's captor smiled, caressing the Omega's cheekbones, making him want to puke. "Finally, I'm going to have what's mine"

With that being said, the plum haired male, Taehyung's captor, walked out. Skipping joyfully.

And Taehyung, he dreaded this. He didn't know what this man wanted. But, all he knew was, him being held captive had something to do with his family. And Taehyung getting out of this dungeon soon meant more trouble to his family.

He didn't know what's the reason, but, he could say this elder had something to do with his people, and that, didn't settle well inside Taehyung.

But, what the blue haired Omega didn't understand was, why this man was taking so much time. If he knew who Taehyung was, if he knew the Omega's family had what he wanted, if he had Tae captive, then everything was easy. But, why was he taking so long? 

And, what is that he wants?

What does the family, pack Al's leader's family, has?

"P-Ple--Plea--se" he whispered to himself, tears staining his cheeks. He didn't want his family to do anything stupid in the name of saving him.

And, all he could do was, sit and pray for better days to come.

Outside the room, the boy with a bright plum hair, was skipping in joy. Smiling wide, he couldn't stop the giggles of joy. After years, he felt like a joyful child.

"You'll be mine, baby. All mine. Finally" he mumbled to himself in joy.

He walked out of the cell in his basement and walked upstairs. As he entered the living room of his house, he was met with his butler, his favorite one.

"Hi, hyung" he greeted the male who was in his fifties.

"Welcome home" the elder smiled. It's been years since the both dropped formalities with each other. "You look so happy, what's it?" the elder wiggled his eyebrows.

"Nothing" he giggled and walked away. The elder butler, just stood there shaking his head at how silly the younger is.


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